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Volume 1 Number 10

Harry and Rosemary Wong are widely regarded as the most reknowned voices in teacher effectiveness. In this month's cover story, the Wongs explore the most integral factors in teacher effectiveness.
Effective Teaching by Harry Wong
Promoting Learning by Marv Marshall
Alfie Kohn Article
Jan Fisher Column
4 Blocks by Cheryl Sigmon
School Psychologist by Beth Bruno
The Child in the Back
Integrative Curriculum in a Standards-Based World
Math Principles and Standards
What's With This E-Book Stuff?
Laughing All the Way
4 Blocks Framework Inspires
4 Blocks So. Cal. Gathering
Fundraising Award
Web News & Events
Letters to the Editor
Archives: End of Homework
New in the Lesson Bank
Upcoming Ed Conferences
Humor from the Classroom
Help Wanted - Teaching Jobs
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About Marjan Glavac...
Marjan Glavac is a speaker, teacher, author! Get your free subscription to The Busy Educator's Newsletter at:  

Best Sellers

The Busy Educator's Guide To The World Wide Web
by Marjan Glavac

$14.95 from
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The Complete Guide to Self-Publishing: Everything you need to know to write, publish, promote and sell your own book
by Tom Ross, Marilyn J. Ross

$17.90 from
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The Self-Publishing Manual : How to Write, Print and Sell Your Own Book
by Dan Poynter

$17.95 from
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A Simple Guide to Self-Publishing: A Step-by-Step Handbook to Prepare, Print, Distribute & Promote Your Own Book
by Mark Ortman

$9.95 from
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The Economical Guide to Self-Publishing : How to Produce and Market Your Book on a Budget
by Linda Foster Radke, Mary E. Hawkins

$19.95 from
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How You Can Become a Successful Self-Publisher in America and Elsewhere
by Paul Chika Emekwulu

$19.95 from
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From the Archive...
Win a Copy of The Busy Educator's Guide to the World Wide Web!

Marjan Glavac's Busy Educator's Guide to the World Wide Web has been revised and updated, and Dr. Harry Wong has contributed the foreword. The 2nd edition is available through Amazon.Com or directly from the author at Teachers.Net will give away a copy in a drawing on January 5 at 6pmE. To enter, e-mail with "BUSY EDUCATOR GUIDE" (in caps) in the subject line before January 5 at 6pmE.

Featured Chat...
Marjan Glavac (Monday, June 29, 1998)

Kathleen - Marjan, thank you for being here at Teachers.Net, would you tell us a bit about your background, training, experience?

Marjan - Hello. Looks like we've got an enthusiastic group here! My name is Marjan Glavac, author of The Busy Educator's Guide To The World Wide Web. I'm from London Ontario (2 hours east of Detroit Mi; 2.5 hours west of Niagara Falls) I teach K-8 computers at Bonaventure Meadows Public School, pop. 750 students

Kathleen - Marjan, please tell us about some of the recognition you've received for your work ;-0

Marjan - I've received 5 major awards. The latest was a certificate of merit from TVO (PBS equivalent)

Kathleen - Marjan, when and why did you decide to write the "Busy Educator's Guide to the WWW"?

Marjan - I've been on the Internet since 1993. It's a great resource and getting better all the time. BUT, I still noticed a lot of fellow teachers were having a heck of a time trying to integrate the Internet into their classes. My students would waste a lot of time surfing. So, I tried to find a book that incorporated projects and sites into the curriculum, but all I found were the old ftp, gopher, wais, veronica commands:-)

Kathleen - So, you decided to invent the book :-) What did you learn while writing the guide?

Kathleen - Marjan, would you explain the organization of the book?

Marjan - Kathleen, what I learned was that the Internet has really really changed a lot in 2 years. A lot of high quality sites (for free) like this one have come on line.

Marjan - The book is organized into 6 chapters. The first chapter is designed to get you online real fast! Other chapters deal with sites that can be used with grades k-college/university. I really enjoy projects, so I've got one chapter on the best projects online.

Kathleen - What do you think the Internet offers students that other tools do not?

Marjan - The sites are organized by grade and age. Also if the site changes on a daily, weekly or monthly basis.

Marjan - Kathleen, its the interactivity. When any of my students can e-mail anyone in the world for information and receive a reply, that's incredible. As well, the immediacy of information is incredible!

Kathleen - Marjan, address the lack of stereotyping point you make in the book

Marjan - Kathleen, I was teaching special ed when I first got into the Internet. I just noticed that e-mail levelled the playing field for my special ed kids. They weren't judged on their looks, but on what they wrote; not on their spelling, but on their content; not on their race, or gender, but their ideas.

Kathleen - Marjan, what do you tell the parents of your students to make them feel comfortable about the kids' use of the WWW in the classroom?

Marjan - Kathleen, we have an Acceptable Use Policy that goes out every year to parents and students to sign. I don't hold anything back about the 'Net. I tell them that it's like a community, with good places and places I wouldn't go to, just like any big city.

Kathleen - Marjan, how much and what kind of expertise/experience with the 'net should a teacher have before taking students there?

Marjan - I've got a 6 year old and I taught K this year. I really like the travelling buddies projects. Check out and for a list of them!

Marjan - Kathleen, good question. At least with my book (or any good resource) teachers can structure lessons. A teacher really should be "street wise" when it comes to the Internet and older students.

Kathleen - Okay, we'll go to open forum. But please allow Marjan to address one question at a time :-)

Sandy/Mo - Did you include a copy of the letter you sent the parents?

Marjan - Sandy, no I didn't, but I did include a site that carries some great ones

denise/3/nj - What are your feelings about using a safeety program like nanny?

Mary K&1 - Marjan, do you recommend the use of filter proxies - net watch dogs - Net Nannies etc?

Marjan - Thanks Kathleen. Although I taught keyboarding this year, I'm getting a workout here. This is great!

Tess - I am finding many wonderful sites, but it is getting difficult to keep track of what is where, any suggestions for organizing a site list and managing it?

Steve - Marjan, I understand that you had a specific physical property that you wanted your book to have.

Marjan - Mary, personally I don't. The reason is that we tend to have a false sense of security when those are used. Kids see it as a challenge and do "crack" them. I really try to foster a sense of trust and peer pressure. It's tough and I have suspended a number of kids the first year. This year, none were suspended.

Diane - Try again. What would you look for in a "good" collaborative project?

Marjan - Tess, that was the big reason why I wrote the book--to organize all my sites.

Marjan - A good collaborative project needs a good coordinator or moderator to keep everyone on task. Newsday does a great job at this. Lists go out to the participants with the activities that have been completed and activities that need completion etc.

Mary K&1 - How can your book be kept up-to-date? Sites change and addresses change so fast!

Kathy/5/IA - Could you describe Newsday a little more?

Ginn/Or/4/5 - Marjan what is the cost of you book? Also many congrats on all the positive comments, very exciting to go to your web page and read them...

Marjan - Mary, I do have a newsletter (low frequency) and a web site with updates to keep it up to date. BUT, it's like Sisiphys!

bobbie/VA - can we buy your book in a bookstore?

Jo/5/NC - How do you get around to a whole room of students with one computer and internet connection?

denise/3/nj - How do you suggest that I organize my sites, lessons, projects?

Marjan - Newsday is a great saved me from my worst class in 13 years! It's an online collaborative newspaper project. Great idea.

Carrie - bobbie/VAI just bought Marjan's book on the internet at It is a secure site.

Kathy/5/IA - Does Newsday have a specific URL...(I have one of THOSE classes coming up next year)

Sandy/Mo - then Newsdya is little old for my kinders??

Marjan - Bobbie, the book is available from the good folks here at or through my site at

Bob R/CA - You can get it in two days from Amazon on-line at this link:

Diane - Try again. What would you look for in a "good" collaborative project?

Bob R/CA - Sorry, Marjan, get the book from Marjan's site - support self-publishers!!! :o)

Marjan - Carrie, if you buy the book through, they get a % of the book's price. I really think it's a great idea to support a site like this!

Sandy/Mo - does that site have anything for kinders??

Marjan - Bob, thanks!!! But, support some of these great teacher sites as well :-)

Wren - How do you get started using the net in the classroom? this'll be the first year I've had access in my classroom and can't wait to incorporate it!

Carrie - Thank you Marjan for letting me know, I didn't realize that. Sorry my face is red!

denise/3/nj - Wren I second that; I am excited to have my first class on line but a little nervous.

Nonnie/MD - Any good tech conferences to attend this summer?

Mary K&1 - Marjan, Is your book written in such a way that it doesn't rely on addresses and specific sites?

Marjan - Wren, I had one 286 hooked up to a 14.4 modem and a telephone line. I first started with e-pals, then I had one of my friends play long distance chess with a brilliant kid in the class.

Carrie - I have been also looking for sites that help the children with K skills, like numbers and letters. Are there any listed in your book?

denise/3/nj - Marjan it sounds like you have come a long way!!

bobbie/VA - Did you run across projects for Work and Family Studies (high school level)???

Marjan - Mary, I really tried hard to pick sites that were solid (like this one, and others). Out of the 250 sites, only 2-3 have moved! Knock on wood!

Kathleen - Marjan, you list 25 reasons why every school should have a website, would you mention a few here (priorities)?

Marjan - Mary, I also picked projects that have been around for a long time.

Tony B/CA - Greetings and salutations! Welcom Marjan - thanks for the book! We sure appreciate your work.

Marjan - Kathleen, first is to get the word out about your school, what you've done, your fantastic staff, students, parents. Teachers really have a hard time "blowing their own horn" but especially here in Ontario (and eleswhere) I think we really need to stand up for our profession. Tell the world what your're doing!

Rabb - Marjan--how difficult is it to set up a site for your school? Is this addressed in your book?

Sandy/Mo - I have problems getting some parents to give me permission to use pictures of their kids how can I explain

Marjan - TonyB--thanks. I appreciate it. We're a "mom and pop" shop here. Just an elementary teacher and his spouse giving something back to the Internet and education.

Marjan - Rabb, it really is simple and complicated at the same time. It all depends how much you want to do. It's like publishing a book. It sounds so complicated, but once you get into it, ask questions, get help, it gets done.

Steve - Marjan, how do you find enough time in the day to do all this Internet stuff?

Marjan - Sandy, that is tough. I put baby pictures on my site, but no others, especially ones where the student can be identified. There are well documented horror stories out there, unfortunately.

Kathleen - Marjan, talk about the role of 'chat' for students and educators

Marjan - Steve, I've got one heck of an understanding wife! I also don't eat lunch in the staffroom!

Sandy/K/Calif - Marjan I have many parents who won't even let me put students work online even without names or photos. too scared

Kathy/5/IA - Do your internet projects line up with your curriculum?

Mary K&1 - Good question, Kathleen! Chat has a bad name in my area!

Marjan - Kathleen, chat is a tough one for kids. First they need to know how to type fast and accurately! For teachers, it breaks down the isolation of the four walls of the classroom.

Marjan - Mary, the chat I recommend is a monitored one for different grade/age levels at Try it out first.

Mary K&1 - Marjan, how do you convince administration and parents that not all chat sites are bad?

Marjan - Ginn, I'm glad :-)

Steve - We put pictures and names on our school web site (with parental permission). But no student email addresses.

Bonnie - Marjan, I teach 7th/8th grade language arts. Does your book contain lessons specific to these grade levels?

Mary K&1 - All Chat it blocked by BESS, I have to convince the big wigs to get rid of it!

Marjan - Steve, yeah, that's a good way of doing it. I wholeheartedly agree.

Karen/Canada - Marjan, do you involve parent volunteers with your Internet projects?

Ginn/Or/4/5 - MArjan do you use anything toscreen at your school, like Net Nanny?

Bob R/CA - Marjan, I've been to your site and I see the pictures of your students. Do you have any advice for teachers considering to do this, how to keep their students safe?

Marjan - Bonnie, that's my area of expertise gr. 6, 7&8 (13 years teaching grade 7). I focused on this group.

Kathleen - Marjan, you've been spending some time in the Teachers.Net chatroom, are you hooked? ;-)

sarahw - mary--if you get BESS kicked out, let me know how you did it!

Marjan - Karen, yes and no. In my school area, a majority of families don't have computers. So, there are few parents to help out...but that is changing.

Bonnie - Marjan, does the book cover AUP's at all (Acceptable Use Policies)?

Marjan - Ginn, we do have a firewall, but I have "breached" it many many times. It's really based on a lot of trust and peer reinforcement. It's tought to do, but so far it's working out.

Marjan - Kathleen, hate to admit this, but back in 1993, it was chatting by telnet that "hooked" me on to the Internet. This is very addictive :-)

Ginn/Or/4/5 - May I ask how much is the book?

Marjan - Bonnie, no. Go to and see what's available.

Gumbo - Marjan-------you recommend that we not post pictures of students?

Kathleen - Marjan, pleae tell us about your next book :-)

Tony B/CA - IMHO, we need to respect parents with reservations about posting their children's faces and names to the Web. I would certainly secure AUP's and image releases for work, before posting to the site

Marjan - Ginn, $14.95 US $5.00 shipping and handling (19.95 Canadian) I even autograph books bought from my site :-)

Tony B/CA - in short, don't post pictures of students without parental permission in writing.

Tony B/CA - my 2 cents...

Ginn/Or/4/5 - I'll be requesting one, what a BARGAIN price, It sounds like a book worth a goldmine !

Jimmie/TX - I agree, Tony. Some of these parents have extremely good reasons behind not wanting anything posted on the Internet. We can't be too careful.

Marjan - Gumbo, tough call. You really have to know your community. Personally, I wouldn't. I can explain privately if you send me an e-mail at:

Beverly - Marjan, you just sold me-Nothing thrills me like an autographed book!

Bob R/CA - Thanks, Tony, maybe we should have you in the chaty some day soon? ;o)

Kathleen - It is a very helpful book,, easy to use.

Marjan - Tony, you got that right.

Marjan - Beverly, ahh, gee! Thanks!

Kathleen - Marjan, another book coming?

Mary K&1 - Tony, we started out doing that, but found that it really slowed things down. Now we notify the parents at the beginning of the year that their child's picture and or first name may be used. If they don't want us to do this, they are to send us a letter stating so and we keep it on file.

Marjan - Kathleen, with my spouse overlooking my shoulder, I'm inclined to say...not yet :-)

Bob R/CA - Mary, is that more or less the standard now? Is it safe to show faces, and first names?

Kathleen - Blanket persmission saves time and paperwork, good idea

Bob R/CA - (Marjan, I noticed your approach was unique - showing infant pictures!)

Kathleen - Marjan, tell us how you came to use an excerpt of Robert Frost's "road less traveled" poem in your book's introduction

Marjan - Kathleen, blanket permission is great, but it won't hold up in Ontario. To really "cya" inform, inform and inform your parents and administration over what you're doing.

Mary K&1 - On our site it is! In fact people just love it! It was and is a big selling factor for us now. They were shy at first about it, but now welcome it!

Tony B/CA - I wouldn't recommend that method Mary - permissions may be time-consuming, but I wouldn't count on that holding water with the parents who would take issue with the deal. I suppose if you worked this permission statement into a student handbook that parents read and sign in agreement.....

Marjan - Bob, yeah, that was one way around the conundrum of the pix.

Steve - Marjan, what is the best Internet project you have worked with? If a teacher can only do one, which one would it be?

Marjan - Kathleen, I first heard that poem in grade 7 and had no idea what it meant. But, it really symbolizes everything I've done in the past 5 years with the Internet in the classroom (getting permission, overcoming obstacles and then just doing it)

Mary K&1 - Tony, that is how we do it! Just the same for discipline matters. We put the burden on the parents to notify us. It's all right up front at the beginning of the year.

Kathleen - Marjan, please tell us about the web directory disk that you offer for purchase.

Ginn/Or/4/5 - Marjan, can yu recommend a good place to start with a 4/5 blended intermedaite class

Tony B/CA - I see, Mary. Cool - now I get the picture ;)

Marjan - Steve, I'm biased: Newsday, NewsOntario are two great projects. I also really like a new one on the scene CyberSurfari Probably the best scavenger hunt on the net...great prizes, gets kids (grades 5 ) reading, thinking, solving problems, team work...the whole 9 yards!

Marjan - Ginn,try the CyberSurfari or a travel buddy project.

Kathleen - Marjan, what is the 'web directory disk' you offer for sale?

Marjan - Kathleen, the web directory is available on line or on disk with all the web sites in PC/Netscape format $3.

Kathleen - Marjan, what does the disk include?

Tony B/CA - Marjan, what are the compelling reasons for teachers to use the Web?

Marjan - Kathleen, the disk includes every site in the book. No need to type the addresses!

Wren - Are Cyber safari and travel buddies in your book Marjan?

Marjan - Tony, great question. I think the most compelling reason is to see other points of view, perspective, ways of doing things...especially for out students who need to be taught their future not our past.

Marjan - Wren, yes they are.

Karen/Canada - Marjan, do you involve parent volunteers in your Internet projects?

Steve - Marjan, where is the web directory online?

Marjan - Karen, I do by informing them. I also do a lot of online newspaper articles where students interview their parents. A lot of parents really fear the Internet, but that is changing as they see their own children getting comfortable with the technology.

Kathleen - Marjan, tell us about how your spouse assisted you with "The Busy Educator's Guide To The World Wide Web" :-)

Marjan - Steve, almost missed you--you're the same colour as me. Hope it helps. Let me know.

Mary K&1 - Getting parents involved is the best way to break down the wall of fear that new-comers have from listening to the talk show stuff

Mary K&1 - We offer night classes to parents! Great success!

Karen/Canada - Thank-you Marjan. At our school, we have parents who are eager to volunteer to help out in any way that they can. Since our students do not have their own email addresses, I have had them assist with sending keypal letters.

Marjan - Kathleen, Maria, my spouse was the best editor a writer could have!! (she's still looking over my shoulder). I found that I was only reading 66 lines on the screen and losing the continuity of the whole book. She read the entire book at least 5 times, whereas I've only read it twice! She also told me when to STOP researching and start writing!

Marjan - Mary and Karen, great suggestions!

Bob R/CA - LOL!!! You're a lucky man Marjan! :o)

Marjan - Bob, I sure am. She's also a DOS programmer and taught me everything about modems, telix and dos, before I even knew what the DOS prompt was!!!

Kathleen - Maria, I said thank you for your part in the book, but I sent the message to Tony by mistake! :-/

Marjan - Bob, Maria wants to know what LOL stands for?

Bob R/CA - Marjan, did I hear you say you self-published? We have a great deal of teachers with an interest in that, any advice to them to get started?

Bob R/CA - LOL = "laughing out loud"

Marjan - Bob, yes. In fact, a number of them have come up to me and asked. Best advice, read Dan Poynter's book on Self-Publishing (he's got a great web site with lots of freebies)

Bob R/CA - Marjan, do you have his URL?

Marjan - Yes, I do

Kathleen - Marjan, now that Teachers.Net is your favorite website for educators, will you be writing a book about us (after you and your wife enjoy that big vacation trip she earned?) ;-)

Marjan - Katleen, contact me privately with a contract and I can sure try:-) The vacation sounds great...where we going?

Susan S. - I've seen you on ENO, marjan, and enjoyed all the info. Must get the book for sure!

Mountaineer 4/WV - Thanks for all the info - Marjan, I think you have sold quite a few more books this evening!!! :)

Marjan - Susan, thanks!

Bob R/CA - Dan Poynter's publishing link

Kathleen - Marjan, when you pick up the "Busy Educator's Guide to the World Wide Web" which section do you like to turn to?

Marjan - Kathleen, I've rediscovered sites every time I go into Chapter 3 that I forgot all about.

Steve - Marjan, I finally got to website.htm. You should link to it from your main page.

Marjan - Steve, yeah, you're right. So much to do, so little time.

Bob R/CA - Steve, what is the full URL?

Kathleen - [Marjan, just let us know when your fingers are taped've already given us more than the hour you agreed to, but feel free to stay as long as you wish!]

Ginn/Or/4/5 - Thank you very much Marjan . I have found this extremely helpful and am excited to have the book as a resource. I also signed up for your newsletter updates.

Karen - I've been the silent Canadian Karen listening in, but I've gained a lot of valuable information. I also look forward to getting your book. Thank you very much Marjan!

Kathleen - Good listeners learn a lot, Karen!

disney cathy - Thank you ,Marjan,for such an informative night!

Marjan - Ginn, thank you very much. It's feedback like that, that makes it all worthwhile. Thanks!

Marjan - Karen, thank you very much. You wouldn't know it, but I'm an introvert and very very shy. I lurk all the time!

Gumbo - thanks, marjan......look forward to getting the book!!!

Steve - Bob, - a huge list of educational links

Ginn/Or/4/5 - MArjan, do you do any conferences around the states?

Marjan - Hey Gumbo--thanks.

Kathleen - good question, Ginn

Bob R/CA - thanks Steve :o)

Marjan - Ginn, I was all set to do a conference up in Alaska, but State funding fell through. If you can invite me, I'll sure consider it!!!

Steve - Bye Marjan. Thanks for being so generous tonight.

Kathleen - Marjan, did anyone decline being included in the 'Guide"?

Marjan - Steve, My holidays started today:-) It's really is great talking to all of you.

Kathleen - Marjan, thank you for giving us your time tonight, and Maria too! Perhaps you will return?

Wren - Thanks for the encouragement and ideas! Good night all!

Ginn/Or/4/5 - With so many schools getting online, maybe our superintendents in the area could get together and sponsor you. Would you like to come to Oregon? Can you send us your fees and conferece info to Clatskanie Elementary Sch Attn Donner 815 Nelahem St. Clatskanie Oregon 97016, I'll pass it on to the boss

Marjan - Kathleen, there was one person who refused to give me an endorsement, citing professional/university duties. One site refused to give me permission for a graphic. Not bad, eh, out of 250 sites!

Karen - Thank you too Kathleen, for being a great host.

Kathleen - Marjan, I'll be seeing you in the Teachers.Net chatroom! Good night and thank you again!

Marjan - Wren, thanks. Good night!

Mary K&1 - Marjanm thanks for sharing with us tonight, it's been very informative.

Bob R/CA - Thanks Marjan for all your effort with the book and for being here tonight!!! :o)

Mountaineer 4/WV - Goodnight all - it's been very interesting!!

Marjan - Ginn, Oregon would be great!!! Just let me know.

Bob R/CA - (Tony is off-line but on the phone, and he sends his thanks as well! :o)

Marjan - Kathleen, thank you, thank you and thank you once again for setting this up. I really enjoyed it.

Marjan - Mary, Thanks and goodnight.

Mary K&1 - Thanks also Kathleen for making this all possible!

Kathleen - Marjan, our pleasure, now go on that vacation!

Marjan - Kathleen, thanks.

Kathleen - bye all! thanks for another wonderful Teachers.Net event!

Marjan - If anyone wants to contact me, just send an e-mail to:


Transcripts of live chats with Marjan Glavac:

Meet Marjan Glavac 6/29/98

Writing, Self publishing and other Internet Tips 12/11/98

More Classroom Internet Projects 11/13/98

The Internet as an Educational Tool 10/09/98

Internet Projects 9/11/98

Self Publishing Chat with Paul Chika Emekwulu
