Online Classrooms
by Sunnie (Leslie Bowman)
Professional Development In Your Pajamas?
Sure, why not? And don't forget the comfy chair and warm fuzzy slippers!
In the old days, professional development ranked right up there along with a trip to the dentist. It was just one of those things that had to be done a couple of times a year but it wasn't something to look forward to. So most people just went along with the program with either gritted teeth or a "grin and bear it" attitude. Professional development is very different now. Not only have professional development models changed; the choices are more interesting and relevant than ever before. You can also take these courses via computer right in your own home. Here is just a very small sample of professional development courses that are available online. Remember that new courses are being added every semester. Pay particular attention to the picture on Connected U's page!
Connected University
Partners: Pepperdine University, Plymouth State College, Adams State College, Texas Tech University (and more) $320-$495
- Using the Net to Create Thematic Units
- Science and Technology for Grades 1–6
- It’s Never Too Soon: Using Technology in Early Childhood Education
- It Adds Up!: Success with K–2 Math Standards
- From A to Z: Success with K–2 Reading Standards
- From Golden Books to Caldecotts: Success with 3–5 Reading Standards
- Paragraphs, Poetry, and Persuasion: Success with 3–5 Writing
- The ABC's of Writing: Success with K–2 Writing Standards
Skylight Professional Development courses/index.cfm
Partners: Drake University and St. Xavier University $260-$415
- 4 each Assessment, Technology, and Reading/Literacy courses
- 10 Math and Science courses
- 20 Teaching/Learning courses (Brain Compatible Learning, Multiple Intelligences, Art, Thematic and Integrated Unit Teaching, Inclusion Strategies, etc.)
Partners: University of Michigan, Virginia Tech, University of Washington, University of San Diego, UCLA $400-$1400
- Mainstreaming: Teaching Individuals With Special Needs In the Regular Classroom
- Reading Strategies for K-2 Students
- Math for Elementary School Teacher
OnlineLearningNet ofStudy/communities.cfm?s=822.d0808013j. 078x305h70&CC=EDU
Partners: San Diego University, UCLA $425-$550
- Character Education
- Making Connections in Science Education for K-6 Teachers
- Assessing and Working with a Beginning Reader at Home or School
- Phonics for Educators
- Modifying the Curriculum for Exceptional Learners
Online Learning for Educators
Harvard $495-$595
- Assessing for Understanding: Feedback, Criteria, and Rubrics
- Multiple Intelligences Theory: Pathways to Practice
- Teaching for Understanding
- Teaching to Standards with New Technologies
Type in "online courses" and "teachers" for a complete listing.
Partners: University of Missouri, Emporia State University, University of Southern Colorado, University of Alabama, University of Florida (and more) $424-$750
- Reading Skills Games for Primary Teachers
- Preventing School Failure
- Teaching Students Optimism
- Teaching Tolerance to Students
- Human Growth and Development for Teachers
Teacher Education Institute
Partners: Hampton University, Troy State University, Barry University, College of St.Rose, Notre Dame College of Ohio, Carlow College CEU: $195 Grad Credit: $485-$517
- Teachers Discovering Computers
- Microsoft Windows - Essential Concepts
- Microsoft Excel - Complete Concepts
- The Missing Dialogue: Preventing School Violence
- Teaching and Learning with Groups: Keys to Success
- Engaging the Gifted and Talented: Practical Methods and Strategies
For more info on Distance Learning, see my articles in back issues of the Teachers.Net Gazette [] also linked through my website In addition, I maintain a database of regionally accredited online courses and programs, so please feel free to email me [ or] if you need more information about online courses.