Recently I had an email from a principal who wanted suggestions for acquiring more below level reading materials for her classrooms. The teachers were using a basal reader as the mainstay of their grade level reading, and they also had a limited number (5 per class) of below level stories ancillary to that series. Her school was a Four-Blocks school where, if you’re unfamiliar with this approach, students use grade-level materials for approximately 3 days of the week and below grade level material for about 2 days. The idea behind this is that rotating between grade-level and easier materials will provide the widest range of materials possible to which students can apply comprehension skills and strategies during guided practice (usually Guided Reading Block). Four-Blocks has proven this to be an approach that ensures success for all students while offering opportunities for all students to be exposed to grade level text.
Even in schools not using the Four-Blocks Literacy approach, students need to be given ample opportunities to read from below grade level materials so that fluency can be achieved and enjoyed by each student. These schools are likely searching for below-level text as well.
So, what are some sources of below-level materials that can be easily accessed and inexpensively available? Here are a few that come to mind…
To reiterate, reading and rereading below level text has tremendous benefits for all of your students. Hopefully, locating an ample and varied supply of materials won’t be an obstacle to your reading program. Most of the resources suggested above don’t require money—just a little time and ingenuity! Happy reading!
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About Cheryl Sigmon...
Cheryl Sigmon has been an educator for nearly 30 years as a classroom teacher, a Dept. of Ed. language arts consultant, and currently as a seminar presenter, trainer and consultant in schools and districts around the US and Europe. She owns her own consulting firm, Sigmon & Associates, Inc., that brokers consulting services. She is co-author with Pat Cunningham and Dottie Hall of the bestselling Teacher's Guide to Four-Blocks and author of Modifying Four-Blocks for Upper Grades. Also, she is the author of numerous other professional books on literacy, including a writing mini-lesson series, Just-Right Writing Mini-Lessons (grade 1, 2-3, 4-6) and her newest comprehension mini-lesson series, Just-Right Comprehension Lessons (grades 1-6) with Scholastic Publishing Co.
Visit Cheryl's website at
On a personal note, she and her husband, Ray, live in SC, where they enjoy their state’s beautiful beaches and spend time with their three daughters, two grandchildren, and a multitude of grand-dogs and grand–cats!
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