Helping Afghan Children with School Supplies
From: The BluePack Project
This year, 3.2 million children in Afghanistan went back to school for the first time in years. However, only 1.7 million students had been expected to enroll, and the vast majority of the children entered badly damaged school buildings or makeshift classrooms in tents without pencils, paper, or any other educational materials. Many of the students entering the first grade were 12 and 13 years old because so many have never been to school. March is back to school time in Afghanistan once again -- yet the scarcity of supplies has not diminished. The BluePack Project is an initiative by the Academy for Educational Development (AED) to provide specially made backpacks containing pens, pencils, sharpeners, writing tablets, rulers, chalk and chalkboards to individual Afghan children. AED's goal is to raise $2 million -- enough to provide 200,000 Afghan children with BluePacks at a cost of $10 each. To learn how you or your school or community group can help, visit: