Posted by teacher
A document camera simply projects the actual image onto your TV. My administrator made me have one (LOL, I am resistant to new technology). He went and bought me one. It really does save time. You can put any object under it and show it on your TV, including paperwork or actual things. You can do an experiment under it and all the children can watch on TV, much like watching Martha Stewart's hands do a project on TV. You can grab a map or a globe and all the children can see from their seats. It really is quite handy.

Posted by aggie
A document camera is a fancy, electronic overhead projector. Instead of using transparencies, you can project any image on a piece of paper---- when I use mine, I project the kids' workbook pages or the pages from the anthology that we are reading. You can also connect a computer to the camera and project websites or whatever you want the kids to see. You can also enlarge the projected image so everyone can see. They are WONDERFUL!!

Posted by SummerPerk
One of the best teaching tools ever!! Combined with a data projector, anything you place on the platform is projected onto your screen. You never, ever need to make a transparency again once you have one. Everything is projected in color. Great for reading picture books. I like it to take a student's work and stick it on there to show good models. Also love how you can zoom in on any area of the item. Perfect for math manipulatives as well.

Posted by molly4th
I recently set one up for my classroom and have loved using it. No more transparencies:) I can freeze an image,show a film clip,project any object,share anything from my wireless laptop. It is a classroom must have !!!

Posted by Nicole
I have an Elmo and it is fabulous. I just got it a couple of weeks ago. The first week, I used it daily. We are working on an essay this week, so I haven't used it this week. They are pricey but worth it.

Posted by molly4th
I have an AverMedia Camera. My hubs bought me one with a projector for Christmas and I love it!! No more transparencies and ink everywhere!!!
Children can share their writing and I can project anything on a large screen. I have learned how to zoom, how to shrink, freeze the image, project from a laptop...
Light bulbs for the projector component are expensive but I am not quite sure how much they are.

Posted by teacher
I have an AverMedia, too. My bulbs are $35 to replace, but mine has lasted over year of heavy use already.

Posted by Ann HS/WA
Can you use an LCD projector with it?

Posted by molly4th
The camera has to have an electrical output that is compatible with the projectors input. You want decent resolution and brightness (measured in lumens). Get the data sheet for your projector and go from there.

[Editor’s note: For additional information about document cameras, how to use one to enhance and support instruction, the cost and what to look for, click to read: The Document Camera: A Better Way to Present! by Joe Frisk]

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