Letters to the Editor...
union misrepresentation
WHO'S FUTURE IS AT STAKE? Todays children will be tomorrows government, teachers, business leaders, artists, mothers, fathers. Look ahead, will things be differant? Will the complaints and problems of today fix themselves? Will our governance administer this country in an efficient, fair, meaningful and relevant way? Will our schools produce a population that expects accountability from its government or education system? That demands it? Or will this tired road we travel continue on into the sunset. An education system of any society decides what that society will aspire to, or succumb to. Education shouldn't just be about how much you learn, and how well you learn it. Education is only limited by the quantity, and assortment of voices that feed into the system. Who or what is our education system today? Education in a representative society should be the sum of what the society demands and expects. Or conversely, education ends up being whatever gets slopped on the plate. Gruel if you ask me. Any true education system must include the insight, advice, and co-operation of all parties involved, or it really can't be called education. It just becomes input without purpose, or input with meaningless purpose. Students, teachers, parents, Boards and community. This is the co-operative that should be an education system. It should consult, exchange ideas, identify problems, put forth solutions, and in general serve the best interests of our children, and society. But of course, they are our kids! Do we really need a government making laws and regulations regarding education? Are we not the government? Is the common sense of the peoples of the community not enough to set the standard by? Does the government really have to tell us what our children should be learning? Do we really want that, especially when we are so quick to attach failing grades to government! It is so limiting! Maybe they could set minimum standards, but there is nothing wrong with individuality in schools, just as in kids, and adults. Todays education system bears no resemblance to what a true education system should be due to the influence of the unions. Its not their fault, they are just good at what they do. Excellent actually. Excellent education requires seeking and understanding opposing views, honesty, and challenge, but to name a few things. An excellent education system requires seeking opposing views, admitting weaknesses, and allowing those in the system to speak their minds. Unfortunately, this is where the influence of the union starts to strangle the system. Honesty is not tolerated, or its just ignored. Admitting weakness in the system is only acceptable if its the governments weakness that is being expounded upon. Suggestions for improvement must be analyzed with the effect on the teacher being the priority, with nary a thought for the effect on the students. Of course how change will effect teachers is a priority, but can't we hear from the teachers themselves? From their hearts? I mean they are entrusted with teaching our children, does the union not think they can put a few sentences together? Can we at least see some semblance of their own opinion? It would be quite a refreshing change from the postulations we are subjected to from the "official" voice of the teachers. As a matter of fact, couldn't we hear the teachers suggest changes, or improvements required in the system? Why are they not allowed to speak? They are the most meaningful fragment in the maze we call education. How many teachers I speak to that would rather not talk about education. With all the controversy around education, and teachers would rather not talk about it? That sure sounds like "I can't really say what I want, because it doesn't fit the party line and I'd better play it safe." The strangling, silencing, "we must approve everything" mentality that the union has managed to impose on our system has effectively ensured that students, improvement, and accountability will never be a top priority. It is not in their best interest, and somehow this mentality has been allowed to prescribe what happens in education. The prescripton amounts to an overdose of self-sustaining hog-wash, that has absolutely no credibility beyond self- sustaining hog-wash. The unions must be reminded of who they work for, and why they were allowed to become part of our education system. The founding principles of our system are entirely regressive to what they should be. The group that frowns upon freedom of expression and thought, and has the least interest in the children, gets the most influence in the system. I am a parent, and I should be part of this system. The union does NOT speak for parents or our children, and we do NOT like what they say when they do speak. They have been allowed to pillage the population of this great country of education systems that should be allowed to flourish, adapt, and accommodate individuals that are part of Canada in the many individual parts of Canada. Instead our children learn to point the finger at the government. Its not the governments fault! We are the government! Stop teaching our children to blame someone else! That is exactly how we got into this mess in the first place. This is supposed to be OUR education system, NOT the unions! The government is forced to stick its nose where it doesn't belong to curb the decay of what is supposed to be an education system. Boards deem parents only fit to volunteer in schools so they don't have to deal with the reality of suggestions that they can't implement due to the outrage that unions will automatically muster. Teachers are caught in the middle trying to appease all. Students get stuck with whatever ends up trickling down, and parents throw up their hands saying this is as good as we can possibly expect. Why the great fear to tackle this issue as it needs to be tackled? The welfare of kids and society in general comes well before the appeasement of the few. The experts have, and are, blowing it!! This isn't about whether unions are good or bad, but unfortunately this is the only way they and their supporters look at the education problem. Its the exact reason the whole system must be re-evaluated, by ALL participants involved! Government screw ups mostly, Board mismanagement a little, and union effect 0 Thats where the responsibility is placed on the mismanagement of the education system. I am sure you wish the union issue to be visited if you are concerned about education. 0 responsibility for the union is being a bit light-handed, no? If you don't think they play any role, then ignore the rest of this post. Ive played the edu-game for the last 5 years and frankly im sick of it. Done all the meetings, played all the roles, and it sucks. Im just coming to some very basic conclusions, that for some reason everyone is denying exists! Why does this become a pro, or anti union issue? Nobody is saying that the union is a cancer that has to be cut out of the picture, there is lots of bucks for them still!! Its just one of the symptoms of a sickness that needs to be treated. Just like some of the other symptoms. What the hell is the big deal? Are we really going to all of a sudden squash the rights of anybody by saying hold on, "its about the kids!" Instead of pro or anti union chat, here is a proposition, one of which there are many out there: parents, teachers,students, union reps, board reps, govt, all sit down, make up 3,4,500 questions about everything and anything in education. Teachers respond annonymisly, action gets taken. Anything that costs, gets split between union and govt,(or some other variation)and anything that doesn't cost gets done automatically. Anyway, I see how asking the union to contribute a little (ideoligically)to the system that is its lifeblood would improve the system. Blaming the govt and boards for ever and ever doesn't really cut it if your actually looking for something to change. I don't really want the government deciding how and what the people should learn, based on the failure rates we so quickly give it. Thats just personal. The point really is...nobody is asking nobody how to improve the system. Everyone is content. Fingers up the fudge-holes while the studies get whatevered, and thousands of automotaons get turned out yearly. It would require a level of honesty NOT being taught in schools!! Thats my story and i'm stickn to it.
basher to some
This month's letters:
Books for needy schools, 3/30/01, by Tammy.
THE VIOLENCE OF PRISONERS, 3/27/01, by Donna Garner.
union misrepresentation, 3/26/01, by basher to some.
union representation, 3/26/01, by F.W..
help! please help me on how to write a research paper, 3/26/01, by Diane M Pletcher.
seeking exceptional art students for book/film project, 3/23/01, by kimberly wang.
Adjunct teaching, 3/22/01, by Ortencia.
Young retiree wants ideas to keep busy,earn$., 3/22/01, by Marion Da silva.
teaching, 3/20/01, by shash.
want to find teacher, 3/12/01, by Judy.
want to find teacher, 3/12/01, by Judy.