Letters to the Editor...
Books for needy schools
Our school is in the process of getting new reading and science textbooks this year. We are a very small school. We would like to find out if there are any homeless shelter schools or other needy schools who could use our old series. We can't get any money for them, and we hate to throw them away. I'm sure we could find a church or other organization to pay for the shipping. We are very lucky to live in an area where homeless shelters do not exist - we don't need them. The nearest city with a homeless shelter does not have a school associated with it. Please e-mail me with any information that can help us out.
Tammy, tandersn@montanavision.net,
This month's letters:
Books for needy schools, 3/30/01, by Tammy.
THE VIOLENCE OF PRISONERS, 3/27/01, by Donna Garner.
union misrepresentation, 3/26/01, by basher to some.
union representation, 3/26/01, by F.W..
help! please help me on how to write a research paper, 3/26/01, by Diane M Pletcher.
seeking exceptional art students for book/film project, 3/23/01, by kimberly wang.
Adjunct teaching, 3/22/01, by Ortencia.
Young retiree wants ideas to keep busy,earn$., 3/22/01, by Marion Da silva.
teaching, 3/20/01, by shash.
want to find teacher, 3/12/01, by Judy.
want to find teacher, 3/12/01, by Judy.