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Volume 4 Number 3

Happy 7th Anniversary Teachers.Net...
Summer Professional Development Opportunities from: Research for Better Schools
Recognizing Tomorrow's Leaders Today from: Dr. Marc Seligman - National School Yearbook
Jimmy Jet and the Pledge of Allegiance from: Wonder-Books.Com
Special CD Offer For Kindergarten Teachers from: MVO Records
Special Offer for Teachers.Net Readers from: Harry K. Wong Publications
Kids Fishing Program Announces New Sponsors from: Gordon Holland
March Columns
March Articles
March Regular Features
Gazette Home Delivery:

In Focus...
Summer Professional Development Opportunities

From: Research for Better Schools

Literacy - Why is English so Hard to Learn?
Integrate literacy (Language Arts), the arts (music) and technology into the classroom using Interdisciplinary, thematic, collaborative Online Curriculum, Readability Tools Resources about American Dialects.

Regional Options

Imagining Geometry
From July 16-18, 2003 RBS will offer IMAGES 2003 (Improving Measurement and Geometry in the Elementary Schools). This is an intensive standard-based training in elementary geometry and measurement. This institute is an opportunity for elementary educators to expand their knowledge and skills in geometry content and instruction. But more importantly, it is a training- of-trainers workshop--preparing educators for a leadership role in assisting other teachers to raise their students' achievement through standards-based instruction. Though this training is taking place in Pennsylvania, its central location in Harrisburg, PA is convenient to all in the Mid-Atlantic region.

Learning from the Bay
For teachers near the Chesapeake Bay, the Chesapeake Bay Foundation (CBF) invites you to participate in a new professional development program: Chesapeake Classrooms. This program combines CBF's integrated watershed education in an exciting partnership with National Geographic's Geography Education Outreach (GEO). Through Chesapeake Classrooms, CBF and GEO will provide professional development and materials to interested teachers throughout one year. This professional development package will prepare teachers to connect meaningful investigations of the local environment and Chesapeake Bay to academic standards.

Texas Instruments and T3
Texas Instruments offers numerous summer institutes in several locations around the U.S., including West Chester, PA and New York City. These institutes provide: effective and appropriate uses of educational technology to enhance teaching and learning; ways to implement appropriate change in the classroom by employing new strategies for teaching; and ways that mathematics and science can be taught in an exciting, exploratory, and investigative manner. If you can't make it to one of these institutes, T3 offers two online courses that can be taken for graduate credit: Algebra Using the TI-83 Plus and Calculus Using the TI-89.
In addition, school districts can work with a TI Educational Technology Consultant to create a professional development package that includes any T3 offering. Carolyn Hearns is the Educational Technology Consultant for DC, DE, MD, and NJ. She can be contacted at or 410-757-7525.

Watch a Video
The summer is a perfect time to relax with a video, and learn something as well. The Harvard-Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics and the Annenberg/CPB Channel have produced several interactive workshops for K-12 teachers and principals. These are eight-part professional development workshops that include a video component, accompanying print support materials, and a Web site. Some are: Assessment in Mathematics and Science, Mathematics: What's the Big Idea?, Principles for Principals, The Science of Teaching Science, and Shedding Light on Science.


Centered on Teachers
Though the offerings for this summer are not yet available on its Web site, the Delaware Teacher Center will be providing a variety of workshops between June 18 and September 20, 2003. These classes will count toward the 90 hours that are required every five years for Delaware teachers to renew their teaching certificates.


Be a Scientist for the Summer
Maryland's Educator's Summer Research Program is an internship program that gives teachers an opportunity to experience cutting-edge science and technology through authentic research experiences. Teachers team with mentor scientists at research sites around Maryland. This hands-on approach promotes inquiry- based learning and gives teachers the knowledge and experience needed to incorporate current content and authentic data into science and mathematics curriculum.

Developing Technology
The Internet and Multimedia Technology Program is offering a two-week summer institute, Teaching with Instructional Multimedia in Mathematics and Science at the Post Secondary and Secondary Schools, to be held July 14-25, 2003 at the Community College of Baltimore County Essex, MD. It will provide 40 secondary school teachers with supportive opportunities for developing instructional multimedia presentations using current software packages.

The Governor's Academy
The Maryland Governor's Academy for Science and Mathematics is a three-week residential program held at Towson University from June 29 to July 18, 2003. It provides an opportunity for teachers of mathematics and science in grades K-12 to enhance their teaching abilities, update themselves on the content of science and mathematics, and learn how technology and manipulatives can be used effectively in their teaching.

NSA Summer Institutes
In partnership with local area school systems, the National Security Agency provides funding, planning, and staffing for summer institutes for mathematics and science teachers. These institutes provide teachers an intensive five-day opportunity to learn and apply the standards recommended by NCTM and the latest technology and teaching techniques for use in the mathematics classroom. There are currently four summer institutes offered: two for elementary school teachers (Baltimore County and Prince George's County, MD), one for middle school teachers (Anne Arundel County, MD), and one for high school teachers (Howard County, MD). Find more information and applications at the URL below.

New Jersey

Bring the Ocean into Your Classroom
Explore Sandy Hook's coastal habitats during a 30-hour graduate level summer course in Marine Science Education offered by the New Jersey Marine Sciences Consortium. Gain new teaching skills, ideas, and resources and use the wonders of the Jersey Shore to engage students in learning while meeting the goals of state and national standards. This course meets July 8-August 14, 2003 on Tuesdays and Thursdays from 6:00pm-8:30pm at the NJMSC Headquarters, Sandy Hook, NJ. Thirty CEU hours or two graduate credits are available.

Chemistry for Leaders
The Dreyfus Chemistry Program in Newark, NJ is offering the professional development opportunity, Operation Chemistry for Middle Schools, August 23-29, 2003. It will train leaders to work with middle school teachers to help them understand chemical and physical science. It will offer both content and laboratory technique and is aligned with NJ Core Curriculum Standards.

Learning from Jacques Cousteau
The Jacques Cousteau National Estuarine Research Reserve (JCNERR), Tuckerton, NJ, provides workshops for educators who love to learn and teach at the beach. It will offer several summer learning opportunities, including a workshop specifically for administrators and science supervisors. Through these workshops, educators can learn about the student education opportunities that JCNERR has available, like MARE and the C.O.O.L. Classroom, as well as learn how marine science content can improve basic skills and concepts across a variety of subjects while addressing education standards.

Teaching Engineering
The New Jersey Institute of Technology is offering several four- or eight-day summer institutes related to teaching engineering in high school science and mathematics. The courses are: Machines and Energy, Electricity and Magnetism, F.A.C.E.T.S., Integrating Chemical Engineering into High School Science, Integrating Bio-medical Engineering into High School Science, A World in Motion: The Design Experience, and Integrating Engineering into High School Mathematics. More information on the programs and registration information are available at the following Web site.

Visioning Technology
The Rutgers University Center for Mathematics, Science, and Computer Education (CMSCE) will offer summer technology-based institutes that will provide educators with a vision for the uses of technology in the K-12 classroom. All of the 2003 institutes are designed to enhance the use of technology in augmenting the NJ Core Curriculum Content Standards. Some of the courses being held are: Certificate in Technology Integration in Mathematics and Science Education (Grades K-6), Mathematics and Technology in the Elementary Class (Grades 4-8), Computing in the Palm of Your Hand (Grades K-12), Multimedia Enhancing Learning Across the Curriculum (K-5), Making Science Come Alive for Your Students (Grades K-8), and Special Science Teams (Grades K-6).


Attention Urban Teachers
The Governor's Academy for Urban Education invites all Pennsylvania educators committed to outstanding teaching and learning in urban K-8 classrooms to attend their free Academy from June 22-27, 2003 at Muhlenberg College in Allentown, PA. Courses will address strategies to assist students in meeting Pennsylvania's mathematics and language arts academic standards; teaching practices that are especially successful with diverse, urban student populations; and ways to differentiate instructional and assessment strategies.

Contemporary Mathematics
The Core-Plus Mathematics Project is offering two "Contemporary Mathematics in Context" workshops that will be held at the University of Pittsburgh from August 4 to 8, 2003. These trainings are for teachers currently using Contemporary Mathematics in Context or planning to implement the curriculum during the 2003-2004 school year. The workshop will present an overview of the complete curriculum along with in depth study of selected units. The focus will be the mathematical content, the instructional model, and related assessment methods. Sessions will include modeling lessons, sharing suggestions for facilitating collaborative learning, and discussing implementation issues.

Early Childhood Leaders
The Pennsylvania Governor's Institute for Early Childhood Educators, to be held June 22-27, 2003 at Villanova University, is designed for elementary principals, school district administrators, professors, early childhood directors, and others who work with early childhood educators. The focus of the Institute will be leadership with an emphasis on early literacy. All costs are paid by the PA Department of Education, including food, lodging, materials, and two graduate credits that are equivalent to 60 Act 48 hours. More information will be available soon at the Web site below. If you have any questions or would like an application to attend, please contact Dr. Corinne Eisenhart at

Technology and Teaching
The fourth annual Faculty Academy, Creating Agile Learning Environments: Driving Theory to Practice, will be held June 19- 20 at Penn State Great Valley in Malvern, PA. It will teach educators how to integrate technology to improve student achievement. This two-day conference is intended to help participants investigate new learning theories, learn about the latest applied solutions, and actively build hands-on skills to create student-centered, technology-enhanced agile learning environments.

Washington, DC

Especially for DC Public School Teachers
A part of the Carnegie Institute of Washington, the Carnegie Academy of Science Education (CASE) is designed to increase District of Columbia Public School teachers' knowledge of science and present new methods of bringing science to their students. The Summer Institutes at CASE expose teachers to new ways to teach mathematics as well as science, making use of current software and materials.

Fly High at the Smithsonian
For schools or districts that would like to arrange professional development for a group of teachers, the Smithsonian National Air and Space Museum may have a workshop for you. It offers teacher workshops for 10 to 25 participants. Some of its workshop titles are: Air Mail to Airlines: Changes in Air Transportation; Black Wings: African Americans in Aviation; Exploring the Planets; How Things Fly: The Science of Flight; and Reflections on Earth: Remote Sensing to Monitor the Environment.

Free from RBS
Blueprints CD-ROM

To meet the national standards for science and mathematics education, it is widely recognized that our schools, districts, and even states must change how we educate children.

Professional development opportunities for teachers that allow them to improve and refine their practice must play a key role in achieving this goal. Blueprints is a practical toolkit to help schools and districts design and facilitate effective professional development in mathematics and science education.

To request this or other free mathematics and science resources, visit the "Free Publications" page of the RBS web site at

