In Focus...
"Jimmy Jet and the Pledge of Allegiance"
From: Wonder-Books.Com
The second installment of our JIMMY JET series has just gone to press. It deals with the national issue of what our children -- and your students -- are encouraged to believe in as our youngest citizens.
I hope you will give it a look. As always a sample lesson plan will be posted to reinforce core issues and extended learning.
"JIMMY JET and the PLEDGE of ALLEGIANCE" -- will be available for your in-school Artist Visit as well as our "ORIGINS" debut issue!
In memory of the Columbia Space Shuttle Crew, I have set aside the regular release schedule of titles and will be doing a special "#0" issue of JIMMY JET illustrating the famous "pilot's prayer" by RCAF Pilot Officer Gillespie Magee.
Entitled "HIGH FLIGHT", some of you may remember in the early days of Television, local stations would play a clip of "HIGH FLIGHT" as part of their sign-off ritual.
This year marks the Centennial of manned flight. It has been 100 years since those bicycle brothers took flight.
I hope this series of inspirational books proves a fitting metaphor for your students imaginations -- and character.
Commander Page Turner is the Author, Artist and Guest Speaker for this series of young adventure books -- designed to nurture the healthy development of self-esteem through role models, social responsibility, individuality and a personal sense of power.
He has for many years served as a consultant to the Toy Industry. Today he is available to visit your school or church.
For more info please visit: JIMMY-JET.COM
"Have Rocket Car -- Will Travel"
These are the famous stories about a young boy whose sense of purpose, self-esteem and faith in the future are born out by the loving support and encouragement of his family and friends.
Enjoy them all!
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JIMMY JET AND THE PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE appears here out of sequence in my initial publishing schedule as I try to respond to recent disturbing events across our nation. I do not refer to terrorist attacks by foreign agents. I am spurred by enemies from within our own midst. Lawyers and Judges, sworn to office -- hand to Bible -- have been plotting the demise of our most basic public oath and common bond. "The Pledge" as first penned in 1892 by Baptist Minister, Francis Bellamy -- who was ironically also State Superintendent of Education -- was amended in 1954 at the urging of Congress by President Eisenhower, formerly ranked as "Supreme Commander of the Allied Forces" during WWII. I wonder what they knew then, that we have forgotten now.
Let joy and innocence prevail,
Commander Page Turner

Jimmy asked his Dad, Jumbo Jet, "Dad? What's the difference between Armed Forces Day, Memorial Day and Veteran's Day?"
Jimmy's Dad thought for a moment and answered..."I guess we all have so much to be thankful for -- it just doesn't all fit into one day."
"In fact", he continued -- "your Grampa taught me to celebrate all three..."
"I remember!", said Jimmy. "He used to put his flag up every day -- and SALUTE!"
"Dad? Do you think Gramps knows we remember?"
"God I hope so..."
Jumbo thought about his own Dad quietly and said to himself, on his desk the morning headline -- The Pledge of Allegiance had been banned from classrooms -- "I wonder what he knew then that we have forgotten now?"

"You know, Jimmy -- some people right here in America think that The Pledge Of Allegiance is a bad thing.
They think it's wrong to teach children about things like loyalty and patriotism.
I know what your Grandpa would say if he were here, he'd say, 'Take the boy to Washington, DC. Show him our nation's capital and let him decide for himself!'"
So that's just what they did! The first place that they visited was the Iwo Jima Memorial. It marks a vital turning point of World War II...
The commanding general commented "THEIR UNCOMMON VALOR WAS COMMONPLACE."
It is the largest cast bronze sculpture in the world. The soldiers stand 32 feet tall while they raise a 60 foot flagpole.

Next they went to the Capitol Building itself, the center of our democracy. They could see our flag, also known as "Old Glory" and "The Stars and Stripes" waving back at them from the Rotunda. "Rotunda" is the name of the crown-like dome that sits atop our greatest halls of liberty.

Jumbo Jet took his son, Jimmy to the memorial for Thomas Jefferson. Thomas Jefferson helped create our Constitution and he himself wrote The Declaration of Independence.
Do you know the rest?

They stared in amazement before the awesome presence in The Lincoln Memorial... On the wall to his left is inscribed his famous "Gettysburg Address." Behind "The Great Emancipator" reads another message...

Time and time again, Jimmy Jet and his Dad saw proof of the dedication to the liberties and freedoms symbolized by our flag.
Men of high ideals. Revolutionary men. Men unafraid to fight for liberty...
"The Peace Cross,"Where men of peace and great vision planned the design of our National Cathedral...
The Vietnam Memorial, also known as "The Wall." It contains each and every name of every person that gave their life for liberty in that far away place.

But perhaps the most moving pledge of allegiance they saw on their visit to Washington, DC was the "Women's Memorial."
This sculpture is dedicated to all the nurses that risked -- and lost their lives while caring for their wounded countrymen.
Approaching the dramatic scene of a nurse cradling the fallen soldier, Jimmy said, "It looks like she loved him."
His father could barely respond, "She loved them all."

The last stop on their trip -- and fittingly so -- was Arlington National Cemetery. The TOMB of THE UNKNOWN SOLDIER, where an Honor Guard maintains an eternal watch over his final resting place.
Jimmy summed up his feelings as he summed up their trip, "Dad? I've seen enough to make up my own mind. Will you still defend me if I decide to keep saying my pledge to the flag?"
Jumbo Jet placed his hand on his son's shoulder whispering, "With my life."
This edition of Jimmy Jet is dedicated to my grandfather, Private First Class Robert Mills of the 83rd Infantry, WWII, who took part in Operation Thunderbolt.
Decorated on the field of battle he received among others, promotion to Sergeant, the Order of the Purple Heart, Bronze Star and a Congressional Citation for saving the lives of his company.
View our PRESS RELEASE here.
View our BROCHURE here.
If you would like a FREE sample of this book for your library, please contact me.
If you would like to place an order for your classroom, please visit our publsiher at:
"The children of the world are OUR children."
Commander Page Turner
POB 33
San Simeon, CA 93452

High Flight
Oh! I have slipped the surly bonds of earth
And danced the skies on laughter-silvered wings;
Sunward I've climbed, and joined the tumbling mirth
Of sun-split clouds - and done a hundred things
You have not dreamed of - wheeled and soared and swung
High in the sunlit silence. Hov'ring there
I've chased the shouting wind along, and flung
My eager craft through footless halls of air.
Up, up the long delirious, burning blue,
I've topped the windswept heights with easy grace
Where never lark, or even eagle flew -
And, while with silent lifting mind I've trod
The high unsurpassed sanctity of space,
Put out my hand and touched the face of God.
Pilot Officer Gillespie Magee
No 412 squadron, RCAF
Killed 11 December 1941