Classroom Crafts
by The Teachers.Net Community
Water Cycle Bracelets
Students make water cycle bracelets using craft beads on yarn or pipe cleaners:
- blue (stands for the water that is being heated up)
- yellow (sun that heats up the water that is here on the earth)
- clear (evaportation into the atmosphere)
- white (forms "white" clouds of condensation)
- blue (precipitation that falls from the clouds)
- Then repeat to yellow again, clear, white, blue, yellow, clear, white, and stop on blue.
Don't forget to sing the water cycle song sometime in your unit. My kids love it!
Water Cycle Song (to the tune of She'll Be Coming 'Round the Mountain)
Water travels in a cycle, yes it does.
Water travels in a cycle, yes it does.
It goes up as evaporation,
Forms clouds of condensation,
Falls down as precipitation,
Yes it does!
Another version of the
Water Cycle Song(to the tune of Clementine)
EVAPORATION, (Push both palms up, palms parallel to floor)
CONDENSATION, (push with arms straight out to the side)
PRECIPITATION on my head (Pretend to "rain" on head)
ACCUMULATION, (Make arms sweep back and forth in front)
WATER CYCLE, (Arms rotate in circle in front)
And we start all over again (Turn around in place in a circle)

Water Cycle Bracelets
In the photo are two bracelets I made, one with leather lace and the other with clear craft lace. I have even made them with pipe cleaners. You could use whatever material you wanted.
Posted by Christy Grant on the Second Grade mailring
A Handful of Sprouts
Buy the disposable gloves food handlers use. Get various kinds of seeds and cottonballs which you dip in water and wrap a seed in and put in a marked finger of the glove with that name. You tape to the sunny window. The glove has each child's name on it on the hand part and the name of each plant in the particular finger of the glove.
The kids watch them sprout. Then you can plant in Styrofoam cup to take home or to garden area at school. You can cut the bottom of fingertip off and get the plant out and not disturb the rest as they may need more time for growing before transplanting. It is just like planting something in a baggie but these can be 5 separate seeds and kids can compare whose is growing first, tallest, etc.
Posted by Paulie on the Grade 1 mailring
Spring Lambs
- Black poster paint
- cotton wool
- PVA glue
- A4 paper (either coloured or white)
- green markers/crayons
Paint the child's hand with the black poster paint (or they can do it themselves). TIP: By adding few drops of washing up liquid or liquid soap, handwashing will be easier! Make 2 handprints on the A4 page, one beside the other. Make sure that the fingers and thumb are spaced apart. The 4 fingers will be the lamb's 4 legs and the thumb will be the head. When dry, cotton wool can be stuck to the palm of the hand. Green grass etc can be drawn with the marker/crayon...and your finished product is 2 sweet little lambs walking through the green grass!
Posted by Jennifer