Teacher Feature
by The Teachers.Net Community
Featured Schools
"Thank you!" to those who have provided photos and information about their schools. We hope those whose schools are featured here will alert their colleagues and school administrators so they, too, can enjoy their 15 mintues of fame!
Suzanne Middle School
http://www.helpcity.com/CAWalnut /SCHOOLS/WALNUT.htm
Walnut, California
Suzanne Middle School is a public school located in Walnut, California. It has 1400 students largely comprised of three minority groups. There are over 20 languages spoken by pupils reflecting the diversity of the school. Suzanne has been selected as "Distinquished" by the State of California several times. Student test scores have placed Suzanne in the top percentile of all schools. Current class sizes run over 30 students with more in algebra and physical education classes. Please feel free to type in Suzanne Middle School on your search engine to learn more about this institution.
Submitted by Alan Haskvitz
Loganville K-2 Primary School
Loganville, Georgia
Grades K - 2
Submitted by Tina Mitchell
Alma Middle School
Alma, Michigan USA
6th and 7th Grade
Submitted by Barb Leonard
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