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Volume 3 Number 11

A new museum dedicated to exploring the role of visual art in children's literature from around the world will open in Amherst, Massachusetts in November 2002...
Apple Seeds: Inspirational quotes by Barb Erickson
Special Days This Month by Ron Victoria
Featured Schools
Classroom Photos by Members of the Teachers.Net Community
November Poem
The Inward Morning
The Lighter Side of Teaching
Handy Teacher Recipes
Classroom Crafts
Help Wanted - Teaching Jobs
Doggy, Doggy, Who Has Your Bone? and themed variations from the Lesson Bank
Turkey Glyph
Alphabet Book
Alphabet Chart
Upcoming Ed Conferences
Letters to the Editor
Art Projects as Learning Activities? &
What is running wonderful classroom teachers out the school doors so early?
November Columns
November Articles
November Informational Items
Gazette Home Delivery:

Teacher Supported Lesson Bank...
Teachers.Net is proud to host the Lesson Bank, a collaborative online clearinghouse for teacher lessons and classroom ideas. To date over 2100 lesson plans, tips, and ideas have been submitted by teachers across the world. Please help support this global knowledge storehouse and submit your favorite lesson plans and classroom demonstrations today! Teachers.Net Lesson Bank.

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In the Lesson Bank...
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#1200 - Doggy, Doggy, Who Has Your Bone? and themed variations

by Kathleen Carpenter

Subject: Games
Level: Pre-School - K

Doggy, Doggy, Who Has Your Bone? is a good activity to use as a whole group time-filler or during a seasonal celebration. The original version begins with one student ("Doggy") sitting on a chair with his/her back to the remainder of the group of students who are seated on the floor. A "bone" (can be made from cardboard, labeled with the word "bone") is placed on the floor directly behind the chair. To begin the game, the teacher silently selects one of the children from the group on the floor to go up and take the "bone" then sit on it to conceal it from the Doggy. Once the bone is out of sight, the group chants, Doggy, Doggy, who has your bone? Doggy then turns to face the group and guesses who has the bone until it is found. The person who was in possession of the bone is now the Doggy.


Incorporate language and literacy activities:

  • Children can spell out the word "bone" in the chant ("Doggy, Doggy, who has your b-o-n-e?)
  • Doggy can wear a name tag ("Doggy") that is passed on to each new Doggy
  • Make this a name-learning activity for beginning of the year by setting a rule that Doggy must use the children's names when s/he addresses them to ask, "______ do you have my bone?"

Seasonal and theme-related innovations:

  • witch - broom
  • bear - honey or fish or berries
  • rabbit/bunny - carrot
  • leprechaun - gold (coin)
  • caterpillar - leaf
  • story-related characters and prop from story. For example, after reading Harry the Dirty Dog use a scrub brush and the chant, Harry, Harry, who has your brush?

Encourage the children to come up with innovations. They can also make the props and name tags.


  • Popcorn (Science, level: Elementary)
  • Turkey Art () (Art, level: all )
  • Turkey Feather Count (Mathematics, level: Pre-School)
  • Coumbus/Thanksgiving (History, level: Elementary)
  • Persuasive Turkey (Language, level: all)
  • Popcorn Day (level: Elementary)
  • Native American Play (Social Studies, level: Elementary)
  • Turkey Wreaths (Art, level: Elementary)
  • Holiday Legends (level: all)
  • Respect, Prejudice, Race (other, level: Middle)
  • Controversial Thanksgiving (Social Studies, level: Senior)
  • Sherman Alexie's Reservation Blues (Literature, level: Senior)
  • Poem on Kwakiutl, Cheyenne, and Navajo (Social Studies, level: Elementary)
  • Thanksgiving Activity (Social Studies, level: Elementary)
  • More Lesson Plans...
