Re: Mandated dress code for teachers in my nyc public school.
    Posted by: Betsy on 4/04/15
    () Comments

    On 3/31/15, ah wrote: Give me a break, there are lots of
    spelling mistakes on this site. The truth is district 7 has
    the most corruption out of all the districts in the Bronx and
    always has. The main problem is the superintendent who is
    fully aware of the stuff the admin does at the school in
    question. The administration is protected because of the the
    high test scores which are also questionable. A lot is
    "brushed under the carpet". I work in a position where I know
    this for a fact. I have heard things are about to change in
    that district.
    > seems strange that two people spelled "wear" wrong... On
    > 3/29/15, Rose7 wrote:
    >> I am going to assume here you are at MS 223 in district
    >> 7? If you are, that school is a mess and the Principal is
    >> out of his mind. He just does anything he wants to do
    >> even if it means violating a teacher's rights. They
    >> constantly overstep their authority and are are protected
    >> by the Superintendent. He only hires first year teaching
    >> fellows that are scared to speak up at that school and
    >> that is why he gets away with so much. Carmen Fariņa is a
    >> regular at that school. They are always being reported
    >> for a million things to OSI and nothing ever happens.
    >> Other schools would be on the news for the stuff my
    >> friends tell me goes on there. The principal DOES have a
    >> dress code. If you are a man you MUST ware a tie or they
    >> will get rid of you so I am told. The principal has also
    >> been reported to the NYS Department of Human Rights in
    >> the past for many things like discrimination against
    >> pregnant employees and other violations. Under FOIL you
    >> may be able to read about it. He gets away with lot and
    >> the Superintendent protects the principal. I never worked
    >> in that school but I know two young ladies who have one
    >> is still there. Good Luck! On 3/28/15, I would say to
    >> wear whatever you want... wrote:
    >>> long as it's in good taste.
    >>> Let each staff member use his or her own judgment.
    > teachers_b_2458791.html?
    >>> On 3/28/15, Since you asked wrote:
    >>>> On the issue of the dress code, follow it. It's not a
    >>>> hill to die on and the union can't support you on this.
    >>>> If you need to wear shoes that don't conform to the
    >>>> dress code for medical reasons, get a note from your
    >>>> doctor.
    >>>> On the other unspecified issues; document, document,
    >>>> document until you have a burden of proof and then try
    >>>> your union again.
    >>>> On 3/27/15, new teacher wrote:
    >>>>> Our principal at our Bronx School in District 7
    >>>>> enforces a dress code on all teachers. All men have to
    >>>>> ware business attire tie,dress pants,no sneakers and
    >>>>> women must ware business attire as well. If we don't
    >>>>> don't follow this "dress code" we are harassed and
    >>>>> intimidated by admin. In some cases he would give us a
    >>>>> "U" for not doing what he asks. What should we do
    >>>>> about this? Everyone is afraid to speak up and he has
    >>>>> been doing other things also that are unethical and in
    >>>>> many case illegal. The UFT seems to be useless and we
    >>>>> all feel we are at a loss. Any suggestions?

    Posts on this thread, including this one

  • Mandated dress code for teachers in my nyc public school. , 3/27/15, by new teacher.
  • Re: Mandated dress code for teachers in my nyc public school. , 3/28/15, by Since you asked.
  • Re: Mandated dress code for teachers in my nyc public school. , 3/28/15, by I would say to wear whatever you want....
  • Re: Mandated dress code for teachers in my nyc public school. , 3/29/15, by Rose7.
  • Re: Mandated dress code for teachers in my nyc public school. , 3/31/15, by ah.
  • Re: Mandated dress code for teachers in my nyc public school. , 3/31/15, by CiciNParadise.
  • Re: Mandated dress code for teachers in my nyc public school. , 4/04/15, by Betsy.
  • Re: Mandated dress code for teachers in my nyc public school. , 4/17/15, by "Ware" or "wear"? I hope that you don't teach English....
  • Re: Mandated dress code for teachers in my nyc public school. , 4/18/15, by grow up.
  • Re: Mandated dress code for teachers in my nyc public school. , 4/23/15, by Mojo Jojo.