For more information contact:
Bob Reap (breap@teachers.net; 619-272-3274)
Teachers.Net http://teachers.net/
SAN DIEGO, CA -- Teachers.Net today introduced its latest professional development web forum, the Educational Software ChatBoard. The new Educational Software ChatBoard will help teachers effectively review programs available for educators, by providing them a place to request information and pass along advice. Teachers can also search software archives and support resources.
With the addition of this latest teacher forum, Teachers.Net now boasts 20 unique teacher support centers. Teachers.Net has six grade level boards (from early childhood to higher education), 12 curriculum and special interest forums, one dedicated to teacher-to-teacher career support, and the Big Daddy of all teacher forums, the Teachers.Net ChatBoard.
Teachers.Net is visited by tens of thousands of teachers each month, and the website resonates with the buzz of educators. The Teachers.Net ChatBoard is so active that posts have generated over 50 responses in 24 hours, and most teacher problems are addressed and usually solved within hours. The ChatBoard regularly helps teachers develop lesson plans, solve classroom problems, locate supplies, and the ChatBoard is currently even helping to save a young man's life in desparate need of medical care.
Teachers.Net is dedicated to helping teachers through technology and the Internet. Founded in 1995 by Tony Bott and Bob Reap, Teachers.Net was a response for the need to place the tools of the web into the hands of the teacher. Now in its third year, Teachers.Net has helped teachers create over 20,000 webpages, has hosted over 15,000 unique chat topics, and has served over 5 million webpages to educators around the world.
Teacher Chatboards on Teachers.Net
- Teacher ChatBoard
- Early Childhood ChatBoard
- Primary Elementary ChatBoard
- Upper Elementary ChatBoard
- Middle School ChatBoard
- High School ChatBoard
- Higher Education ChatBoard
- Special Education ChatBoard
- ESL/Language ChatBoard
- Music Teacher ChatBoard
- Administrator ChatBoard
- GATE/AP ChatBoard
- Student Teaching ChatBoard
- Substitute Teaching ChatBoard
- Classroom Management ChatBoard
- Fieldtrip ChatBoard
- Books & Literature ChatBoard
- Computer/Technology ChatBoard
- Educational Software ChatBoard
- Teacher Career Forum