Post: Is ESL certification necessary for getting a job in Austin?
    Posted by: Stephanie on 1/07/17
    () Comments

    Hello All,

    I am a high school English teacher moving from out of
    state to Austin on July 1. I got my one-year initial
    certificate to teach in Texas (English grades 7-12), and
    plan to begin applying for jobs soon. Do you know how
    much Austin-area schools (and nearby suburbs) care about
    whether candidates have the English as a Second Language
    (ESL) certificate for a high school teacher? It would
    require me to fly down early and take the exam, which I
    would only want to do if it is really important in terms
    of getting a job. Do you happen to know how important it
    is to have this certification?

    Thank you!

    Posts on this thread, including this one

  • Is ESL certification necessary for getting a job in Austin?, 1/07/17, by Stephanie.
  • Re: Is ESL certification necessary for getting a job in Austin?, 1/08/17, by Paris.