Post: Recommend a UK Maths Textbook


    Posted on 7/07/15
    () Comments

    I own a website with printable lessons and worksheets for te
    achers. We are an American website, but we have many custom
    ers from the UK.

    Many teachers have requested "translations" of our worksheet
    s to British English. Many of our American vocabulary doesn
    't align.

    For example:

    maths = math
    cuboid = rectangular prism
    centimetre = centimeter
    anti-clockwise = counterclockwise
    trapezium = trapezoid
    pounds = dollars

    The list goes on and on....

    We want to make alternate, British "translations" of most of
    our content so that our site is more usable for teachers in
    the UK.

    We're looking to purchase a few old, hardcover school maths
    textbooks for the primary grades. (We need them for refernc

    We purchased NHM softcover books for year 4 and 5. They're
    okay, but many skills aren't spelled out as thoroughly as we
    'd like.

    We've found countless student workbooks online, but those ar
    e not really the authoritative source we're looking for.

    Does anyone know where I can be an old, hardcover textbook f
    or years 2, 3, 4, or 5? It could be 5, 10, 20 years old. B
    ut we want something from a well-known publisher.

    Or, if someone has an old book they could sell, please feel
    free to contact me.

    Thank you very much!


    Multiplication Worksheets

    Posts on this thread, including this one

  • Recommend a UK Maths Textbook, 7/07/15, by Tim.