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Volume 4 Number 4

No matter how many hundred of millions of dollars are spent, school reform initiatives will continue to produce unsatisfying results until we unflinchingly address the critical problem of teacher quality.
We're Still Leaving the Teachers Behind...
April Columns
April Articles
April Regular Features
April Informational Items
Gazette Home Delivery:

Also in this issue:

The Effective Substitute Teacher Effective Teaching by Harry & Rosemary Wong
Approaches of Outstanding Teachers Promoting Learning by Marv Marshall
Considering a Reading Basal Series? 4 Blocks by Cheryl Sigmon
Living La Vida Reading: Great Picture Book Biographies Postcard from Planet Esme - News from the world of children's books by Esmé Codell
10 Ways to Actively Involve Every Reader Instant Ideas for Busy Teachers by Barbara Gruber and Sue Gruber
Teachers: Want to Learn? Then Learn to Risk! Teachers As Learners by Hal Portner
Getting Started on Your eBook eBook Authoring by Glenn F. Dietzel
Effects of Red Food Dye on Children Ask the School Psychologist by Beth Bruno
Two Lists of Ten - Giving Directions for Lengthy Assignments and Preparing for Everyday Instruction The Eclectic Teacher by Ginny Hoover
I Retired From 'Teaching' Back in 2009 and Now I'm Back! - Reporting from the future Ed-Tech Talk by Dr. Rob Reilly
English As a Second Language (ESL) Sites The Busy Educator's Monthly Five (5 Sites for Busy Educators) by Marjan Glavac
Apple Seeds: Inspirational quotes by Barb Erickson
Special Days This Month by Ron Victoria
Featured School
Classroom Photos by Members of the Teachers.Net Community
April Poem
The Lighter Side of Teaching
  • Eat More Spinach by Goose
  • Classroom Chuckles
  • YENDOR'S Top Ten
  • Georgia's Head-tricks
  • Schoolies
  • Woodhead
  • Classroom Crafts
    Help Wanted - Teaching Jobs
    April Calendar
    Pippi Longstocking Novel Study
    Math Fact House
    0 - 15 Numberline
    Contraction Strips
    Upcoming Ed Conferences
    Letters to the Editor
    Is it because I'm a first-born, or because I'm a teacher? (School Supply Junkie) by cougar
    "The Human Body" Lessons & Activities from a Teachers.Net Mailring

    The Teachers.Net Gazette is a cooperative publication by and for members of the Teachers.Net community. We accept for consideration brief articles (approximately 350-2500 words) on topics of interest to educators. Articles should be fully edited, spell checked, and ready for publication. Send submissions by e-mail to along with a brief biography written in third person. A digital photo (headshot) is desirable but optional. Teachers.Net reserves the right to edit articles accepted for publication.
    Kathleen Carpenter - Editor in Chief
    Mary Miehl - Technical Editor

    Tips for Getting Published

    Vivian Troen & Katherine C. Boles
    We're Still Leaving the Teachers Behind

    Based on past experience, we can predict with a great deal of certainty that the law (NCLB) will have virtually no lasting effect on student or teacher performance...

    Cover Story

    Harry and Rosemary Wong
    The Effective Substitute Teacher

    As soon as the March Gazette column was posted, the letters of anguish from substitute teachers began to arrive. "What am I to do as a substitute teacher when, as often happens, I find that the regular teacher has not left any instructions?...


    Sue Gruber

    10 Ways to Actively Involve Every Reader

    Spring is a wonderful time to bring some fun variations into your reading program. There are lots of easy ways to do this without creating extra work for busy teachers. Our motto is "There IS a life beyond teaching"---we promise not to give you more work to do!...

    Full story

    Full story

    Dr. Marvin Marshall
    Approaches of Outstanding Teachers

    Reflection has a number of attributes. At the top of the list is that reflection prompts gratitude--which is the key to both happiness and goodness...

    Full story

    Bill Page
    Bureaucrat's Field of Dreams: If You Test Them They Will Learn -
    A Rousing, Rip-Roaring,Raving Rant

    This time they've gone overboard---so far overboard that the only viable prospect for a reversal or retraction of these deleterious, disastrous changes is a full-fledged, unified, national, teacher-revolt…a crushing, malevolent backlash...

    Eat More Spinach

    This war in the desert amazingly resembles the old Popeye cartoons...
    About a week ago, President Bush reached his breaking point and opened his can of spinach. However, there are some folks who don't believe that President Bush should have opened his spinach, folks who don't like his brand of spinach, and the spinach rights activists who totally oppose any use of spinach...

    Full story

    Full story

    Marjan Glavac
    English As a Second Language (ESL) Sites

    Here are five English As a Second Language (ESL) sites...

    Full story

    Esmé Codell
    Living La Vida Reading: Great Picture Book Biographies

    Benjamin Franklin once wrote, "If you would not be forgotten…either write things worth reading or do things worth the writing." In honor of such good advice, here is a baker's dozen worth of reading about lives that were definitely worth the writing!...

    Cheryl M. Sigmon
    Considering a Reading Basal Series?

    Lately I've had inquiries from Four-Blocks schools going through the textbook adoption process this year and next. They generally have two questions to ask: 1) What is the best choice of a basal reading series to support their program? 2) Is a basal reading series the best way to go or should the reading program be literature based without a series?...

    Full story

    Full story


    April's Printables are;
    April Calendar
    Pippi Longstocking Novel Study
    Math Fact House
    0 - 15 Numberline
    Contraction Strips

    Full story

    Also in this issue:

    We're Still Leaving the Teachers Behind by Vivian Troen & Katherine C. Boles
    Bureaucrat's Field of Dreams: If You Test Them They Will Learn -- A Rousing, Rip-Roaring,Raving Rant by Bill Page
    That's My Job! Promoting Responsibility in the Preschool Classroom by Mary E. Maurer
    War Impacts Preschool Students -- Current events and behavior changes from the Teachers.Net Early Childhood Chatboard
    TEAPOT Word Game - What Every Teacher Should Know! by Catherine Schandl
    How To Use Anchoring for Accelerated Learning by Stelios Perdios
    An Art Historian on Children in the Museum by Erick Wilberding
    China ESL, An Industry Run Amuck? by Niu Qiang & Martin Wolff
    Editor's epicks for April by Kathleen Alape Carpenter
    Egg Hatching - A PowerPoint Presentation by Mechele Ussery
    Direction for Teachers of Creative Writing by Dan Lukiv
    Tutorial - High Frequency Words (for students who struggle) from the Teachers.Net Chatboard
    Vocabulary Activities by Lisa Indiana 2-3
    3rd Graders Publish Books for Doctors' Office, But Learn More from: Education Commission of the States
    Nominate Your Favorite Teacher for the Seventh Annual 2003 Chadwick's of Boston National Teacher of the Year Award from: Chadwick's of Boston
    Comforting Children About Parents' Military Service from: Association for Childhood Education International

