Post: Why aren't we figthing?


    Posted on 2/03/15
    () Comments

    I am only in my 2nd year of teaching and am completely
    disgusted with how we are treated. I have very few
    colleagues in my school who aren't afraid to voice their
    opinions. The squeaky wheel gets the oil! We need to stand
    up to the mayor and the DOE and fight for what is right. No
    more working for free. No more preps being taken away. No
    more SESIS done at home (thought the lawsuit would have
    changed things but it didn't), no more administrators
    refusing to do their job and then blaming the teachers.
    Enough is enough! We need to do something drastic to get a
    reaction. The mayor, governor, and media bash us when we
    work harder than 95% of the working class! These issues
    need to be addressed and our voices need to be heard. We
    have nothing to fear if we all band together and protest.
    We should not work until these issues are addressed! Please
    pass this message along and let me know if you're with me!
    Why hasn't this been done sooner??

    Posts on this thread, including this one

  • Why aren't we figthing?, 2/03/15, by fedup123.
  • Re: Why aren't we figthing?, 2/03/15, by I love your post!.
  • Re: Why aren't we figthing?, 2/05/15, by vitali.
  • Re: Why aren't we figthing?, 2/13/15, by DW.
  • Re: Why aren't we figthing?, 2/14/15, by agree with DW.