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Volume 4 Number 4

No matter how many hundred of millions of dollars are spent, school reform initiatives will continue to produce unsatisfying results until we unflinchingly address the critical problem of teacher quality.
We're Still Leaving the Teachers Behind...
The Effective Substitute Teacher Effective Teaching by Harry & Rosemary Wong
Approaches of Outstanding Teachers Promoting Learning by Marv Marshall
Considering a Reading Basal Series? 4 Blocks by Cheryl Sigmon
Living La Vida Reading: Great Picture Book Biographies Postcard from Planet Esme - News from the world of children's books by Esmé Codell
10 Ways to Actively Involve Every Reader Instant Ideas for Busy Teachers by Barbara Gruber and Sue Gruber
Teachers: Want to Learn? Then Learn to Risk! Teachers As Learners by Hal Portner
Getting Started on Your eBook eBook Authoring by Glenn F. Dietzel
Effects of Red Food Dye on Children Ask the School Psychologist by Beth Bruno
Two Lists of Ten - Giving Directions for Lengthy Assignments and Preparing for Everyday Instruction The Eclectic Teacher by Ginny Hoover
I Retired From 'Teaching' Back in 2009 and Now I'm Back! - Reporting from the future Ed-Tech Talk by Dr. Rob Reilly
English As a Second Language (ESL) Sites The Busy Educator's Monthly Five (5 Sites for Busy Educators) by Marjan Glavac
April Articles
April Regular Features
April Informational Items
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About Marvin Marshall...
Marvin Marshall is a professional speaker and seminar leader who presents his program, "Discipline without Stress, Punishments, or Rewards - Raise Responsibility and Promote Learning," to schools across the world.

His program was developed upon his returning to full-time teaching after 24 years of counseling, supervision, and administration. He has taught primary and upper elementary grades and has been an elementary school principal. He has taught all middle grades and has been a middle school counselor and assistant principal. He has taught all high school grades and has been a high school counselor, assistant principal of supervision and control, assistant principal of curriculum and instruction, and high school principal. He has also served as a district director of education.

Dr. Marshall, who is certified by the William Glasser Institute, presents for Phi Delta Kappa International, for several leading seminar companies, and for schools and school districts. His presentation schedule is on the calendar of his website.

In his book Discipline without Stress, Punishments, or Rewards - How Teachers and Parents Promote Responsibility & Learning, he clearly and concisely demonstrates how the external approaches of relying on rules, imposing consequences, rewarding students for appropriate behavior, and punishing students to make them obey are all counterproductive.

The book can be purchased from the National Association of Elementary School Principals, the National Association of Secondary School Principals, the National School Boards Association, Phi Delta Kappa, at local bookstores, or from his website Visit Marvin Marshall's Homepage to read more.

To read about the failings of punishments and rewards, go to

Promoting Learning...
by Dr. Marvin Marshall
Approaches of Outstanding Teachers

Reflection and Approaches
of outstanding teachers

Reflection has a number of attributes. At the top of the list is that reflection prompts gratitude--which is the key to both happiness and goodness.

In learning, reflection reinforces what we want to remember. This is the reason that I encourage teachers to use some strategy such as "Think, Pair, Share" at the conclusion of every lesson. To use "brain terminology," reflection makes temporary memory more permanent by strengthening neural connections.

Kerry--a teacher in British Columbia who explores the use of internal approaches to inspire students to learn--reflected on the teachers who had taught her over the course of her own schooling.

She shared with me some attributes of her own outstanding teachers--those who clearly stood out in her memory as effective and inspiring.

What characteristics did these educators share?

They had cultivated personal bonds with students by:

  • Treating them with respect and kindness
  • Using an honest, direct teaching approach
  • Showing interest in them as individuals
  • Sharing stories of their own lives
  • Maintaining an approachable manner so they felt safe
  • Displaying a willingness to give extra help and encouragement

They had held high expectations for students by:

  • Requiring them to work hard
  • Insisting that they try
  • Challenging them to think
  • Expecting them to behave appropriately

They had employed best teaching practices:

  • Capturing interest through an engaging classroom environment
  • Providing a reason to want to step into the classroom
  • Making learning fun
  • Utilizing a variety of carefully planned teaching strategies
  • Giving varied and meaningful assignments

Use a little reflection now. Ask yourself the following question:

"If you were a student, would you want yourself as a teacher?"

If you hesitate in your answer, reflect on Kerry's list. For your own benefit, you may discover an area you may wish to improve--aside from the benefits your students will receive.

Ideas for implementing the discipline system that promotes both responsibility and learning using concepts of Stephen Covey (proaction), William Glasser (noncoercion), W. Edwards Deming (collaboration and empowerment) and Abraham Maslow (hierarchy and autonomy) is described at

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© Dr. Marvin Marshall, 2003.

Questions submitted to Kathleen Carpenter at will be considered by Marv Marshall for responses in future monthly columns in the Teachers.Net Gazette.

Gazette Articles by Dr. Marshall:

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