Letters to the Editor...
Ruthless administrators
I am wondering if I have any recourse when in overseas schools as far as violations of contracts are concerned ? It seems as though I've run into a problem. It's my first job overseas. After I arrived in the country the school shoved a policy in front of me that stated I won't talk about anything the school does. I felt I had to sign or quit and pay my own way home. Since I've been here the following has happened: 1. Advertised teacher’s positions without informing them. 2. Changed teacher’s contracts after arrival. 3. Reduced shipping allowance after arrival. 4. Misrepresented truths to the school board re: teacher actions. 5. Misled teachers re: student abilities and school policies. 6. Regarded “casual” meetings as official disciplinary notification after the fact. 7. Face-to-face misrepresentation of the truth by an administrator. Three teachers are quiting this year. I pity the poor teachers being recruited. If I say anything I WILL get fired. Is there any hope ??????????
Joe Q
Joe Qatari, joeqatari @hotmail.com,
This month's letters:
I'd like to know about teaching..., 2/25/03, by Rustam.
teacher training methods., 2/25/03, by Rustam.
Hospital Teacher, 2/21/03, by Cydney.
NY teachers hiring freeze?, 2/21/03, by lisa s..
teach high school algebra or Calculus, 2/21/03, by Nelson Perez.
teaching algebra, 2/21/03, by Nelson Perez.
Special Days This Month, 2/20/03, by Nancy Franklin.
information, 2/16/03, by mrigayanka roychowdhury.
They R Teachers TOO, 2/12/03, by Lisa S.
Columbia, 2/09/03, by Del "Abe" Jones.
Changes in IDEA, 2/06/03, by Barbara Y. Wills.
Ruthless administrators, 2/03/03, by Joe Qatari.
false dowry case, 2/01/03, by Dr. sameer gulati.