Cover Story: Alfie Kohn
It’s Not What We Teach; It’s What They Learn
"I taught a good lesson even though the students didn’t learn it," makes no more sense than "I had a big dinner even though I didn’t eat anything."
PRINTABLE 2009 Multilingual, Multinational Calendar
Print the 12 month calendar Tim Newlin of has designed especially for the Teachers.Net community!
By Tim Newlin
Thoughts on the Use of Failure as a Teaching Technique
Failure as an educational procedure is a failure... Failing students, while in the learning process, is totally unnecessary, detrimental, and deleterious.
By Bill Page
Traits of a Good Teacher
There is no hard and fast list that tells you who is a good teacher. However, there are traits that excellent teachers have in common.
By Alan Haskvitz
Writing Prompts for January 2009
The character trait for January is; INTEGRITY.
James Wayne
Let’s Get Started with Smartboard
Five great tips every new Smartboard user needs.
By Marjan Glavac
Using Photography To Inspire Writing III
Getting students to write is a snap with the ideas shared in this, the third in a series of idea-filled articles by the author of Write What You See: 99 Photographs To Inspire Writing.
Hank Kellner
Phonemic Awareness: Letting The Horse Pull The Cart
WHOA! First comes awareness of the individual sounds in language.
Grace Vyduna-Haskins
Reading Strategies: Teaching Students to Visualize
Good readers visualize when they read. Here are 5 simple ways to engage students in visualizing text using tactile, visual and kinesthetic methods.
Lisa Frase
Teaching the Alphabet to Diverse Learners
A kindergarten teacher shares a variety of activities she’s found successful in teaching the names of letters, including her own music, available to you!
Heidi Butkus
The Metaphor Of Collaboration - What's Missing From Group Work?
Get big results from small group work.
Ambreen Ahmed
A Taste of Inspiration
A teacher creating effective lesson plans is like an executive chef at a four-star restaurant preparing the perfect dish.
Steven Kushner
Free Downloads
Printable Worksheets & Teaching Aids
Thanks to the creativity and generosity of the Teachers.Net community, we offer the following printables for teachers. Just click and print!
Collective Wisdom
Teachers.Net Chefs Share Their Favorite Warm-Up-Winter Recipes
Mother Magoo’s Hamburger Veggie Soup; Black Bean Pumpkin Soup; Waldorf Salad; Danish Banana Bread Muffins; and More. Enjoy!
Activities & Games for Foreign and First Language Classes
A teacher of Spanish shares her favorite and most effective games and activities to boost vocabulary and grammar skills in any language!
Rebecca Klamert
Four Years of High School Math and Science Should be a National Policy
A former chemistry and physics teachers makes the case that more rigorous math and science training at the secondary school level would benefit individuals and society.
Stewart E Brekke
Featured T-Netter
Ron NJ (aka Man of Steel) plays “Sleepwalk”
The Ventures had a hit with it in the 60's, and now Teachers.Net's own Ron Victoria shows off some fancy pedal steel guitar on this old Santo and Johnny song from 1959.
Instant Ideas for Busy Teachers
Six Easy Resolutions for 2009
Here are some that resolutions are easy to achieve and just might make your teaching life easier and more fun!
By Sue Gruber
Learning the Value of Diversity
Children's identity and self-respect are related to how others treat them, and ultimately to their future success.
By Leah Davies
The Principal Learning Curve
Will Standardized Tests Detect Flash Nebula?
My thoughts turn to the creativity we are not gathering information on, and the creativity on hold in favor of gathering data of transitory use.
By Todd R. Nelson
Promoting Learning & Discipline
Teaching is an Art, Not a Science
There are many things in life that everyone knows exist but that cannot be quantified. Love and friendship are but two simple examples.
By Dr. Marvin Marshall
The Busy Educator's 5:
January 2009
Brains Are Fun site for adults who want to help kids learn; Autism from the parents' perspective; technology tutorials, flash games for teachers and students, and more.
By Marjan Glavac
Advice for Substitute Teachers
Standing up to the Defiant Student
Barbara responds to questions about student perceptions of the substitute teacher, and the appropriate way to react to defiant behaviors.
By Barbara Pressman
Coaching the Urban Educator
5 Ways to Activate Your Natural Teacher Coach
Each of us has a coach inside of us, and believe it or not, you probably use it daily with your students without realizing it!
By Kioni Carter
Global Travel Guru
Off to Bavaria & Spain!
*NEW* feature! Global Travel Guru advice column provides valuable tips and support for teachers planning to escort students on educational travel adventures!
By Josette Bonafino
Teachers.Net Recommends
Some Rooms
Some Rooms by Tim Newlin is a new book looking for a publisher. But you can view it online!
Teachers.Net Favorites
Featured Lesson Plans, Resources and Theme Activities
From how to make a winter survival kit for the family car, to the periodic table, breaking light and "story stew" - here’s a sampler of Teachers.Net lessons, articles and resources assembed to save you time and work!
Teachers.Net Favorites
More Featured Lesson Plans, Resources and Theme Activities
January Lesson Plans Especially for Preschool, Kindergarten & Early Primary
Streaming Video
Teachers.Net Video Bytes
Barack Obama address the nation, Tributes to MLK, Jr. and crystal photographer Wilson "Snowflake" Bentley; FDR fireside chat; and an incredible robotic dog!
Teachers.Net Community
The Teachers.Net Newsdesk
The Lighter Side of Teaching
The Gazette is a collaborative project published by the Teachers.Net community. Submit your work to the Gazette.