Letters to the Editor...
How About a Positive Press?
Today, on T-net the following post appeared: I work for one of the five big TV networks, and am beginning to look into an issue that may concern you. "As you know, an increasing political trend is to tie teacher salary and school funding to student performance on standardized tests. If the class does well, the teacher gets a bonus. This policy has already taken effect in many school districts and is part of both Al Gore’s and George W. Bush’s respective presidential platforms." I wonder if this strategy may backfire by giving teachers and school officials (even those who may otherwise be honest) a financial motive to fudge test scores or otherwise assist students in unethical ways." His post goes on, but you get the gist. Whether this person is a "real" reporter or not, I do not know (nor care). What I do care about is the public bashing teachers take every day in the press. I responded to him with the following message. Maybe others feel the same way... It is interesting that you pose this question on an aspect of our profession, which I'm sure happens but is not widespread, on this very day. Just last evening I attended a party whose guests were new teachers and their veteran mentor teachers. To my shock, several of our most outstanding educators, both novice and experienced, said they were thinking of leaving the profession. Now, my job all year has been to make sure these novice teachers were well supported and assisted by these mentors; that they would NOT leave the profession. I thought they were contented with their role in the classroom. I had also been responsible for selecting these mentors. They are the best and the brightest we have. They are teacher leaders. They have given 15, 20, 25 years to teaching. I thought they were contented with THEIR role in the classroom. I thought they would NEVER leave. My response to their announcements was not a calm one, "LEAVING! What do you mean you are leaving? You CAN'T leave!!!"
They are leaving and let me tell you why. From a new teacher: "You know, I just didn't realize the press would be bashing us all the time. All I ever read in the paper or hear on the news is how bad things are, how low-achieving our students are, how unqualified our teachers are. Those reporters have never visited MY school. They don't know I work 14 hours a day, have not had a week-end off since Christmas, that my students scored very high on the test. I love my job, but I can't spend my adult life reading what an unworthy profession I am in." From a veteran teacher (12 years experience): "I am exhausted. I am discouraged." My district and school are positive places to be and I love teaching. But, the press is continually printing negatives about this profession. I feel this community will not support us much longer. We can't counter every negative story with a positive one. We are too busy teaching. Shouldn't the press balance what they print? Shouldn't they print a postive story for every negative? Isn't balance what they are about? I don't need pats on the back every day to do my job well. But, neither do I need a public bashing every day." Here is your story! Go to any school in any district. Go into any classroom. SEE what is going on. SEE students learning to read, to write, to speak another language, to analyze Chaucer, to solve math problems I never even remember SEEING in my school experience. TALK to teachers about how many hours they spend working, about never going to the restroom because it is across campus and they only have a 4-minute passing period, about supervising students on the playground during lunch. But, also TALK to them about the classes they attend on Saturday so they can continuously be better at what they do, about the research article they read two nights ago, about the action research project they have going on in their classrooms on a new strategy they are trying, about the data they collect and analyze so they can monitor and adjust instruction (they want to make sure EVERY student is learning, including the hearing impaired child, the ADD child, and the child who just entered today and can't speak a word of English.) There are wonderful stories out there if you will just ask about them. I suppose cheating is interesting, too. A few have done it. We have some teachers of whom we are not proud. I'll bet you have some colleagues you'd wish would leave your profession, too. But, try your hand at a REAL story about teachers. One that reflects what goes on out there every day, year after year. Or, rather one that WOULD go on if only these teachers would stay in the field. You could make a great contribution to that if only you would make the effort. Will it attract the readers/viewers as much as the one about a teacher who cheats? You know, it just
Jan Fisher, janfisher1@aol.com,
This month's letters:
Responding to a Positive Press, 6/27/00, by Mae in Texas.
Create your own newspaper that is positive!!!, 6/20/00, by A thought!.
A Reply to Mr. Sowell, 6/20/00, by L. Pratt.
Why are Teachers Negative about Clutural Exchanges?, 6/16/00, by Dr. Barbara Y. Wills.
The Untold Secret -- TAAS Problems, 6/05/00, by Donna Garner, Texas (Ex-Public School Teacher).
How About a Positive Press?, 6/03/00, by Jan Fisher.