Letters to the Editor...
Why are Teachers Negative about Clutural Exchanges?
As a professional counselor, I have been shocked at the reaction of many teachers, principals and counselors when they have been approached by students who wanted to be involved in HS exchange programs. Many discourage students and are not inovative in helping the student and his/her family. Insead they give all the road blocks that they can think of to discourage an exchange. This could be for the student to host and/or go. For some reason, these folks only remember the negative and never all of the positive good that these students, their families, schools and communities, who take advantage of these programs, reap. For those who want to hear about the positive benefits, the Misstennky Area AFS Leadership Team is full of parents who are willing to testify on the benefits of the AFS Intercultural Programs and how their children and family have benefited. Contact Janine Ray at janine_ray@hotmail.com to learn about her positive experience. She can put you in contact with many others. You may also call 1-800-876-2377 to get hosting and sending details in your region. As a parent of 10 exchange students, I recommend this experience to a family who would like to open their hearts and home and want to look outside the box for the experience of a lifetime. Families must act quickly for students for the 2000-2001 school year begin arriving August 1st. Barbara Y. Wills byw1010@aol.com 2433 Mansker Drive Madison, TN 37115
Dr. Barbara Y. Wills, byw1010@aol.com,
This month's letters:
Responding to a Positive Press, 6/27/00, by Mae in Texas.
Create your own newspaper that is positive!!!, 6/20/00, by A thought!.
A Reply to Mr. Sowell, 6/20/00, by L. Pratt.
Why are Teachers Negative about Clutural Exchanges?, 6/16/00, by Dr. Barbara Y. Wills.
The Untold Secret -- TAAS Problems, 6/05/00, by Donna Garner, Texas (Ex-Public School Teacher).
How About a Positive Press?, 6/03/00, by Jan Fisher.