The news about the economy seems to get worse each day. School budgets are getting crunched. Hiring freezes. Hours getting cut back. Credit card debt piling up. But there are ways Teachers.Net can help take the sting out of this economic downturn, and help teachers make ends meet...
Find a Teaching Job
Teachers.Net offers a current listing of job openings for teachers from your state, and around the world. The listing features new jobs updated hourly. You can even sign up for free and upload your resume to our database, allowing employers seeking teachers to find you without even applying for a job!
Make Extra Money Tutoring
Expand your earning potential by tutoring students in your spare time. Tutoring is a great way to help others learn while making extra money. Teachers.Net Tutors Available and Tutors Wanted listings help you find work fast. You can advertise your tutoring services in your area, or search our listing of tutors wanted. Whether you choose to offer tutoring on a local basis, or hook up with a service that provides clients and a means to tutor online, tutoring is a smart way to make ends meet.
Increase Your Salary by Degrees
Teachers have a unique opportunity to increase their salary grade by furthering their education. Depending upon your district or school, you may be able to ad thousands of dollars to your annual salary simply by getting an advanced degree, or even just by completing additional credits toward that degree. Teachers.Net offers a fast-moving listing of online and campus-based educational programs and courses. Check out our teacher education resources:
Make Money Selling Your Handicraft
Teachers are great at creative solutions for challenging problems in the classroom. Smart teachers know that your best classroom solution can make you good money if you can pass it along to other teachers who also have the same need. Teacher Created Materials is a classified ad section on Teachers.Net, which allows teachers to buy, sell, and trade their creative genius. You may be able to save big money by looking through the wonderful solutions your fellow teachers are marketing, or who knows – you might be the next huge success story after you package your best idea too!
Make Money for Your School or Classroom through Fundraising
Even though the school budget may be tightening, that doesn’t mean you can’t expand your options for supplies, travel, gear, and more. Teachers.Net features powerful resources to help teachers find and evaluate fundraising opportunities for every grade level and application.
Grants Can Help Pay for Great Opportunities and Useful Supplies
Successful teachers know that grant writing is a great way to fund exciting class trips, high tech equipment, or anything else that’s needed in the classroom or on campus. One of the best kept secrets is – anyone can write a grant proposal! Tap into the Teachers.Net Grant Writing resources to get the inside track to writing successful grants!
Make Cash Selling Your Old Teaching Materials
Make money to help make ends meet by selling your old teaching materials. It’s like Craig’s List, but just for teachers! Thousands of teachers read the Teachers.Net Classified Ads daily, list your old stuff today and get paid tomorrow. The Teachers.Net Classifieds are also a great place to find gently used books, software, teaching supplies and other materials for big savings!
For more great teaching resources, visit the Teachers.Net Teacher Chatboards, Teacher Classifieds, and Classroom Project Center. Don’t forget to subscribe to the Teachers.Net Gazette to get the latest teacher articles delivered right to your email box.
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