Letters to the Editor...
I also have a daughter, a freshman in college. I learned the other day that she is indeed taking adderol, obtained from a friend, when she needs to study. She then pulls 'all nighters'. I am very concerned about this, but she sees no dangers, and when i looked in the PDR, it does not seem to indicate great dangers. What exactly are the dangers, and will it harm her to do this?
anne browne, annebrowne702@hotmail.com,
This month's letters:
The "phonics" debate, 5/27/02, by Sami Moran.
A Letter to (so-called) President Bush, 5/23/02, by Rosheilla McCoy.
re the intentional design-evolution article, 5/22/02, by Tony DiCicco.
the intentional design-evolution article, 5/20/02, by stewart e brekke.
Jolly Phonics, 5/13/02, by Joan Williams.
Letter to President Bush, 5/03/02, by Sherri McWhorter.
adderol, 5/01/02, by anne browne.