Letters to the Editor...
Letter to President Bush
President Bush, I have supported you 100% since your inauguration. I was so impressed at how you handled the Sept. 11 attack. My husband is a minister, and we were active members of your presidential prayer team and got others in our church to do the same. I am a teacher and work very, very hard like all the other teachers out there. Since I have read about your "No Child Fails" (or whatever it is called) in education, I can no longer be a part of your prayer team. I tried this past week to over look it and just keep praying like I was on "your team" as before...but just cannot. Teachers are under an enormous amount of pressure. We do our very, very best. This year I have taught the lowest group of fourth graders. They have made tremendous progress but ARE NOT AND NEVER WILL be on grade level. I have worked and worked and worked with them. It breaks my heart to know that I (and they) will be judged on how they perform beside other regular fourth graders instead of how much they have progressed from last year. Surely your wife Laura understands. I realize they need to know how to read and write, and they do and I am very proud of their accomplishments. But they do not catch on quickly and we have to go over and over new things before they "catch on." And how can you judge them and me on how they perform on one test-a stupid standardized test at that? They did horrible on it. It is only one indicator of what they can do. What you and other education gurus (like Ga. Governor Barnes) should do is look at the kids and make sure they are making progress...good progress and not judge them with the others. Good teachers are getting burned out terribly, and there is already a teacher shortage. I love teaching, I love the progress my kids have made...they are reading and writing so much better than when they started...but the stress is almost not worth it. Working at Walmart is sounding better and better. I wanted to inform you that I will continue to pray for you each day, like I have all presidents all my life, but I will no longer be on "your team." I tried it and I just can't. I feel too much like a hypocrite when I do. Sherri McWhorter 4434 Brothersville Rd. Hephzibah, GA 30815 email:themcwhorters4@yahoo.com
Sherri McWhorter, themcwhorters4@yahoo.com,
This month's letters:
The "phonics" debate, 5/27/02, by Sami Moran.
A Letter to (so-called) President Bush, 5/23/02, by Rosheilla McCoy.
re the intentional design-evolution article, 5/22/02, by Tony DiCicco.
the intentional design-evolution article, 5/20/02, by stewart e brekke.
Jolly Phonics, 5/13/02, by Joan Williams.
Letter to President Bush, 5/03/02, by Sherri McWhorter.
adderol, 5/01/02, by anne browne.