Letters to the Editor...
Thanks so much for the article on NBPTS!!
Thank you so much for Suzi Hesser's article on Portfolio Thoughts. When I got that box this past fall, it sat in one corner of my house. I opened it, then closed it. I moved it to another corner. I opened it, then closed it. I am now obviously actively working on my portfolio and I often wonder how much easier it would be to bail out. No, I CAN do this and I WILL do this. It is wonderful to hear from someone that has gone through this process and understands what it is all about. Thanks so much for recognizing the importance of National Boards and for understanding our need for the networks TNet has provided with the chatboards and mailrings.
This month's letters:
Is Public Education Providing Product, Service, or Religion?, 1/27/01, by Roger Fuller.
Computer problems, 1/27/01, by Olga Campuzano.
Happyteachers.com for Technical and Vocational Education , 1/27/01, by Jory Pai.
new poster ideas for direct instruction language area, 1/25/01, by raven smith.
Accidentally Pushed NJ Teacher Denied Disability Pension , 1/10/01, by M.DeVour.
Thanks so much for the article on NBPTS!!, 1/09/01, by Kim/NC.
remedial reading help?, 1/09/01, by deborah.