Letters to the Editor...
Computer problems
I am having computer problems. I upgraded my computer with a hard drive that has more memory last year. Well I was trying to clean out my computer from unessarary files and my screen went blank, the only thing I get is an insertion at the top. What should I do?
Olga Campuzano, Ocampuza@houstonisd.org,
This month's letters:
Is Public Education Providing Product, Service, or Religion?, 1/27/01, by Roger Fuller.
Computer problems, 1/27/01, by Olga Campuzano.
Happyteachers.com for Technical and Vocational Education , 1/27/01, by Jory Pai.
new poster ideas for direct instruction language area, 1/25/01, by raven smith.
Accidentally Pushed NJ Teacher Denied Disability Pension , 1/10/01, by M.DeVour.
Thanks so much for the article on NBPTS!!, 1/09/01, by Kim/NC.
remedial reading help?, 1/09/01, by deborah.