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Hi, my name is JRod and I am a recovering sloth!

Back in the gym today. I did my weight training circuit and was pleased that I didn't have to lower reps, weights or time.

For the cardio, I started my C25K app. It felt so good to able to run during the running parts and actually do it! I compared the data from a previous workout (September 2016) to today's and my time and pace were better.

Keep moving!
judycaret Welcome back, jrod!

I walked locally foe 100 minutes. Then I had the best salad ever thanks to leftovers. Lettuce, chicken, avocado, black beans, rice, cheese, and salsa. So good.

May 8, 2017
Elaine/ret/IN Oh, JRod, you make me laugh and laugh. You--a sloth? Never never. With the sorts of workouts that you do, you need an occasional sabbatical. I'm glad to see that your most recent one has ended. Glad you're here again.

Judy, delete the chicken and the cheese, and I'm with you. I love salads with lettuce, black beans, and avocado. I'd add so...See More
May 8, 2017

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