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I am creating a list of summer reading activities for kids in Grades K - 3. I thought others might be doing the same and we could share our ideas. I'll start us out...

I am sending home jumbo sized craft sticks with the following on them:

Partner Read, Round Robin, Popcorn Read, Girls Read, Boys Read, You Read the Dialogue and I'll Read Everything Else, I 'll Read the Dialogue and You Read Everything Else, Whisper Read, Read with Extra Expression, and so on.

The kids can put them sticks into a cup and choose one when reading at home with a parent, sibling, grandparent, etc.
Too complicated I teach middle school and from what the kids say, these things make reading more of a chore. I have kids in K-5 and they hate these things, too. So I tell them that as long as they read, I don't care about silly things like this. They don't have to make a list, either. If you have to write down the title, author, etc, kids will take the easy road a...See More
May 11, 2017
K If you do not wish to participate, that is fine. This is obviously a topic that has caused you consternation in the past.

My younger students, however, love these activities in small group reading and are thrilled that I am sending home a few materials for them to use at home. I am not overwhelming them with projects or materials, but simp...See More
May 11, 2017

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