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As a local hire and NTE, I know basically what to expect but my question is this... I finished the first year of a 2 year NTE,but my principal hasn't told me if I'm not coming back next year (no talking to me or written word) but I am not on the schedule as of I required to get some sort of notice about not returning for my second year? Any notice at all? I just don't want to talk to my principal without knowing what I should expect. Any insight would be great...thanks!
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Meet with your Principal asap and explicitly ask him/her your question: whether or not you are expected to return this Fall. Heads up: s/he may not be able to give you an explicit answer pending knowing the enrollment numbers that support needing an NTE teacher in the first place.

Not to Exceed, NTE, as it relates to the Term Appointment ...See More
Jul 24, 2016
TheMiddle Sorry to chime in on someone else's strand, but I have a question on this topic. I was recently given a tentative offer, and the email reads, "This is a full time, permanent position with a tour length of 1 year." Is this the same as NTE, or if all goes well, might I be elligible for permanent status after the two years?

Also, my...See More
Jul 24, 2016
It's a permanent job offer, not an NTE offer. If overseas DoDDS, then it appears (per your "tour length of 1 year") you are headed to a one-year RAT area - reply with what base and someone here will quickly confirm for you. NTE apointments are clearly worded as such, plus NTE jobs don't come with hardly any benefits, especially not transp...See More
Jul 24, 2016
Missed your last Q...immediately accept the offer even with Step 1 indicated. Once your prior experience documentation supports that you're warranted a higher Step, then that Step change will become official, backdated to yoru start date, and your pay will also be adjusted and, if needed, adjusted retroactively to your start date - no worries, just...See More
Jul 24, 2016
HelpOthers For everyone reading this thread who has not yet received an offer, Go ahead and get the employment verification form completed by your district now. You would would write "present" as the end date. Let your HR know that this is just part of an application for a district where you might not get hired for years and you are NOT giving notic...See More
Jul 24, 2016

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