Accelerated Reader
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I have used AR for nearly 20 years and have worked hard to m ake it accessible and useful for my students. I depend on t he STAR test results in helping me determine reading recomme ndations that are solid choices for that child. I've been a n advocate and a believer, but recent skyrocketing price inc reases for us, and the fact that their start-up fees have ma de our school district decide against adding the program to our newly constructed schools, have brought me to the point of dropping it for the coming school year. I looked online and see all kinds of rah-rah things people are doing to prom ote the love of reading. My question is: How can I help eac h of my 915 students with their reading requests/needs witho ut the information supplied by the ZPD? How can I be sure t hat students are really reading and comprehending the books without seeing the results of their AR quizzes?

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