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My computer crashed a few years ago. I did not pay the 900 dollars to get it fixed. I bought a new one instead.

Now, I have decided I want to use that old computer. BUT if only shows OS9 even tho it says I have 10 on this computer.

When it starts up, I am in 9. How do I get to the 10 OS? Or can I re-install it? I have the softwre for it. Thanks for your help.
Neal Or hold down the option key at startup until you see a set of HD icons with one saying OS X and click it.

BTW OSx Is now at v 10.5 which will not run very well if at all on your computer.

Good Luck,


On 1/30/09, could use your help wrote: > My computer crashed a few years ago. I did not pay the 900 >...See More
Feb 1, 2009

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