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Hello Art Teacher!

I am in the process of interviewing for an art teaching position for next school year and I have been asked by a few schools to give a lesson demo to show my skills. I've done something similar to this before, and a few challenges I came across were 1)not knowing the students' names or classroom expectations 2) not knowing where supplies are or how the classroom is set up and 3) not having enough time- trying to show too much or expecting the students to accomplish too much in a 40 minute time slot. Do you have any lesson suggestions that would be good to showcase during a demo? Or any good resources to point me in the right direction? I want to use the most of my time and showcase my skills, but I am afraid a lot of my ideas are too involved for what time I actually have. I am most likely going to be giving a demo to a class of 4th grade students.

Any suggestions are greatly appreciated!

Best, Stephanie

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