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Hello all. I was just honestly wanting some advise from anyone in this field. I have loved art since childhood and nothing is more powerful than the ability to share that with children. Problem is I only have an associates in graphic design, with no experience, and I have years of experience with child care (even with disabled children) with no degree or accreditation. I guess my question is, should I try more schooling or try for some kind of teachers aide job to get my foot in the door?
Grace On 3/25/14, Jamie Cunningham wrote: > Hello all. I was just honestly wanting some advise from > anyone in this field. I have loved art since childhood and > nothing is more powerful than the ability to share that > with children. Problem is I only have an associates in > graphic design, with no experience, and I have years of > ex...See More
Mar 25, 2014
gwynnetx As a 15 year teacher (10 of those art), I would suggest getting an aide job while going to school for your teaching certificate, if you are absolutely sure that you want to be an art teacher. Being an aide will allow you to experience what it's like to be a teacher in the school system as well as allow you to get to know people who might have the p...See More
Mar 30, 2014

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