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I am a bit confused. I hold a CEAS in Art, which I earned a few years ago. I keep hearing about the Common Core State Standard. I live in New Jersey and I have an interview next week and wanted to be well versed with the CCSS. Under CCSS on the NJDOE website it does list Visual and Performing Arts. It also says to refer to the New Jersey Core Curriculum Content Standard for the Visual & Performing Arts.

In Art is the Common Core a rewrite of the New Jersey Core Curriculum Content Standards? The CCSS seems to connect more to history, community, compare and contrast etc.

When I read through the model curriculum how do you fit in all they want you to in a cycle, or a 30 minute class meeting once a week?

And any advice on key things to say during an interview would very much be appreciated. What do interviewers want to hear?

Thank you.

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