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Hello all,

I am in dire need for some creative insight. I am teaching 9th grade English and need some inspiration for our Romeo and Juliet unit. I am bored and I know that this is translating to the students. I keep researching project ideas online but keep coming up flat. My original intent was to have the students write an argument based essay about the ultimate fall of Romeo and Juliet. I may stick to this task but I feel as if there could be more life to be had with this classic text.

Typically, I seek to create authentic tasks for end of unit projects (i.e. something that results in a production of a piece or experience that can be applicable in the real world-or beyond our classroom walls). For example we have wrote reviews and submitted to the NY Times. Has anyone done anything along these lines for this unit?

I'm desperately seeking help/advice/ or resources that might help add some life back to my classes.
Kathy Two of the things that I used to do:

1. I asked my students to imagine how a different reading of the play would change things up. Most often, Juliet's mother is not seen as a kind, caring, loving mother. What if she were? There is a version with a different twist on R & J. Check out this video [link removed]

How does the endi...See More
Feb 23, 2016
Kathleen On 2/22/16, SMS62 wrote: > Hello all, > > I am in dire need for some creative insight. I am teaching > 9th grade English and need some inspiration for our Romeo > and Juliet unit. I am bored and I know that this is > translating to the students. I keep researching project > ideas online but keep coming up flat. My original inte...See More
Feb 23, 2016
A I asked my students to imagine how a different reading of the play would change things up. Most often, Juliet's mother is not seen as a kind, caring, loving mother. What if she were? There is a version with a different twist on R & J. Check out this video [link removed]

I like this idea. Have them change just one single event and discu...See More
Mar 3, 2016

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