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I am enrolled in a Theory/Foundations of ESL and need to conduct an interview with a current ESL teacher. If you could answer these questions, that would really help me out!!


1) Why did you want to become a teacher?

2) Did you want to be an ESL teacher from the beginning?

3) What was you first year teaching like?

4) What are some challenges you face as an ESL teachers?

5) Can you describe your training to become an ESL teacher?

6) What types of on going professional development does your school provide?

7) What methods do you use for your ELL to gain English skills?

8) What are some things your school does to support ELL students?

9) What advice would you give new ESL teachers?

10) Is there anything else you would like to say about being an ESL teacher?
Klay Hi, Daniel, If you think I fit for your research, I am ready to help. I am over 40 and began teaching ESL three years ago in my country. I have a former career in different fields.... I first worked as a substitute teacher and a contractor in state schools, which I might do again in the future (actually rather in private business and engineering sc...See More
Aug 20, 2014

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