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Hello, I am an ELL teacher and work with one small group of second grader. The group consists of 5 students. Academically, they are pretty low, BUT the greatest challange I have is with behavior. They are pretty immature. Someone is touching someone else. They are pushing and shoving in line or fighting for a chair. Complaining/whining about an assignment. I have never really ever had this issue with my other groups and I have been teaching about 10 years. Usually, the biggest issue is talking when someone else is talking.

So I am wondering........

-If you pull your ELL groups out to your classroom/office what type of behavior managment plan do you use? -How well does it work for you when you might only see your ELL students 2-3 times a week/work at different schools? -What are the consequences? -What are the rewards? -How do you keep track of behavior? -How do you notify parents of positive or negative behavior?

Thank you for your time and help! I really ap...See More
massesl First, Make a short, clear rule list (4 rules) and use visuals. You can give each child 3 checks at the start of class. Each infraction, lose a check. If you end with at least 1 check, you get to join in a group game. 0 checks, no game. Games can be as quick as 5 min. I make sure my games relate to unit vocab or are a grammar point I want them to l...See More
Nov 26, 2014

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