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If a child completed kindergarten and switching to a new school can he be held back due to age? Where he completed kindergarten you had to be 5 by Sept 30. The new school is 5 by Sept 1 for kindergarten. Would he still move on to first grade at the new school?
Kim On 6/24/15, Kim wrote: > If a child completed kindergarten and switching to a new > school can he be held back due to age? Where he > completed kindergarten you had to be 5 by Sept 30. The > new school is 5 by Sept 1 for kindergarten. Would he still > move on to first grade at the new school? Forgot to mention bday is Sept 16.
Jun 24, 2015
it depends on the district and parental request Here if the child moves in from another state and has completed the K requirements at that school, then he or she would go into first grade. Many parents whose children miss the cut off at the public school, simply enroll their child at a private K and do the same thing - go into first grade at the public school. Sometimes the parent realizes that ...See More
Jun 25, 2015

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