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Hey Posters,

Someone posted this in the chat center. It's hilarious. I
thought it would be appropriate to repeat on this board. I
added a few revisions. Hope he or she doesn't mind. Enjoy
the humor.
NCLB's New National Test for Kids

In conjunction with school districts & teachers unions all
fifty states, the federal government under new NCLB
guidelines has designed and released a comprehensive new
student testing program, with nationwide implementation
scheduled for the upcoming school year. It will be called
the Federal Arithmetic and Reading Test (FART).

All students who cannot pass a FART in the second grade
will be retested in grades 3, 4, and 5, until such time as
they are capable of achieving a FART score of 80%.

If a student does not successfully FART by the 5th grade,
that student shall be placed in a s...See More

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