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I teach Pre-K and have a large cardboard box that my class can use to create something. Aside from the kidlets ideas, what are some ideas for this project you might want to share.

Thanks, Sheila
treetoad years and years ago we had a student who just couldn't sit still and a program coming up so....he got to be the tiger in our cage and sit in the decorated box and roar all he wanted. His mother thought it was wonderful! So I suggest you make a wonder time out box that only you know what it is and choose the lucky person who gets to sit in it occasi...See More
Jun 28, 2011
~Cher~ Have fun
Jul 17, 2011
Amber On 6/21/11, Sheila wrote: > I teach Pre-K and have a large cardboard box that my class > can use to create something. Aside from the kidlets ideas, > what are some ideas for this project you might want to > share. > > Thanks, > Sheila

I once helped a friend build a jeep out of a cardboard box, we googled ideas and foun...See More
Jun 27, 2012

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