Learning Research
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I am a senior in college and I am doing a research project. I have surveyed my area, but would like to branch out to areas outside of my district. If you have the time, please answer one or all of the following questions. Thank you in advance.

1. Many families are not connected to school activities, especially those involving academics. How would you encourage parents to be supportive of their child’s academics? 2. In addition to standardized test results, what evidence of progress will you seek from your students? 3. What is the most pressing problem you face in addressing the needs of struggling readers and writers in your classroom? 4. Describe the learning environment; what do you feel is important in facilitating an engaged learning environment? 5. What is your favorite children’s book? Describe a literacy activity that you might use to help the children internalize the story. 6. What reading programs does your school offer for your students? Is there an extra readin...See More

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