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Teaching Jobs on Teachers.Net

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Hello everyone,

I am a 7th grade math teacher who was asked to write curriculum for the entire math department(grades 7-12) at my school as no one else volunteered to do it. Part of my job writing curriculum is to provided suggested activities for the teachers to use for each topic/standard to be covered. Unfortunately, the teachers responsible for teaching these courses are not willing to share with me any of their activities they are currently using. So I must start from scratch. Can anyone suggest websites I can refer to for activities in the following areas: Calculus, Pre-Calculus, Algebra II, Algebra I and Geometry

Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated.

Thank you.
algie2 Did you agree to do this for monetary compensation? If yes, I hope you won't be expected to be teaching at the same time because this will be a full-time job. If no, unvolunteer yourself immediately! It just isn't done this way. Either everyone pitches in a part, and is given adequate compensation or release time to do it, or a consultant is hired....See More
Apr 21, 2014

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