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How do you handle dust? I have a pretty huge room, with lots of tables, cabinets, and stuff everywhere. I don't think maintenance dusts at all. There's dust everywhere!

Right now I don't wipe down anything. Do I need to be my own room's janitor and wipe and dust every day?

My room is twice the size of a teacher's classroom...that's a lot of time and work...but right now I have thick dust all over the smartboard and on counters and cabinets I don't use.
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3rd year Orff instruments are full of dust inside.

Unfortunately, my room has 4 big ac/heat vents and none of them have filters.

I use a 20" box fan with a furnace filter on it. In a month, it's black all over. And the filters cost $20 per month. Not sure it's worth it...since the dust is still a big problem even with the f...See More
Dec 18, 2014
mdmusic On 12/18/14, 3rd year wrote: > Orff instruments are full of dust inside. > > Unfortunately, my room has 4 big ac/heat vents and none of them > have filters. > > I use a 20" box fan with a furnace filter on it. In a month, > it's black all over. And the filters cost $20 per month. Not > sure it's worth it...sin...See More
Dec 18, 2014
mdmusic Oops! Hit enter too soon.

Anyways, have a class of older kids, wipe down the room
with disinfecting wipes. It will literally take them 10
minutes and they will love it. Treat it like you are
letting them because they have earned it. Trust me, their
classroom teachers are using the kids to keep things
cleaned too.
Dec 18, 2014
Martha You probably need to just handle it yourself.

n 12/18/14, 3rd year wrote: > How do you handle dust? I have a pretty huge room, with > lots of tables, cabinets, and stuff everywhere. I don't > think maintenance dusts at all. There's dust everywhere! > > Right now I don't wipe down anything. Do I need to be my > own room's...See More
Dec 18, 2014
DonnaR/CA On 12/18/14, Martha wrote: > You probably need to just handle it yourself.

For your instruments, keep a dust cloth around. Cover as many as you can with towels, sheets, or whatever. If you have garage/yard sales or thrift stores in the area, those are a good source for cheap old towels and sheets.

If you have a mom that loves...See More
Dec 30, 2014

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