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Just had to share - my 5th grade musical this year is "Making the Band" by Emerson & Jacobson. I chose it because I have a bunch of reluctant singers, and this one is full of fun pop songs that are in a good range for them. They have fine voices, but have reached the "too cool for this" stage as they are the oldest in the building. Well, today I started them on Bon Jovi - Livin' on a Prayer. They ate it up!! One of my most disruptive boys, who happens to have a ton of raw musical talent that I've been trying to use for 6 YEARS, was singing his heart out!! YES!!! For once, I think I've hooked them.

In the midst of all the public school bashing and teacher evaluation changes and ridiculous standardized testing, I had a moment this morning when I remembered why I do this. And lo and behold, the rest of my classes all day have gone great because I remembered what teaching is all about. :-) And I didn't even make them parrot the learning goal. Wishing all of...See More

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