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My principal had me purchase a ton of rhythm sticks, wood blocks, claves, etc and wants me to use them doing my primary sing along times with my 1st, 2nd and 3rd graders. This is all well and good except, I can't find any good rhythm songs for sing alongs. Does anyone have any suggestions?
Use the same songs, ADD rhythm parts On 1/08/16, Anon wrote: > My principal had me purchase a ton of rhythm sticks, > wood blocks, claves, etc and wants me to use them > doing my primary sing along times with my 1st, 2nd and > 3rd graders. This is all well and good except, I can't find > any good rhythm songs for sing alongs. Does anyone > have any suggestions?
Jan 8, 2016
Charlotte I agree. They'll have more success with songs they already know, and you can extend concepts by adding rhythms or just steady beat. Also, John Feierabend has lots of good materials and recordings for steady beat. One of them is Keeping the Beat. Mostly classical stuff.
Jan 11, 2016
hayleyabc Hi there

I find that the Eileen Diamond series is amazing. You'll be able to use all your instruments in a variety of ways, as well as exploring singing. It provides opportunities to build creativity, concentration and language skills.

Hope that helps!


On 1/08/16, Anon wrote: > My principal had me pur...See More
Nov 7, 2016

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