Reading First
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I've taught 3rd and 4th grade for 18 years. I am worried that Reading First and Dibels are actually reducing student literacy in this country. Here are my reasons: 1. A reader is successful when they comprehend text. 2. Dibels tests oral fluency, which is only a part of the reading process. 3. When students are Dibels tested, they get the message that fast oral fluency is the same thing as reading. It is not. (Some adults have the same misconception.) 4. Dibels is practically mandated by Reading First. School districts must record Dibels scores to get money. ( The phrase "scientifically proven assessment" is used to justify this mandate. I strongly question how this was proven. ) 5. Reading First is part of the NCLB, Some of the people who designed Reading First also benefitted financially from the use of Dibels. 6. While the goal of NCLB is great, the program is riddled with political and profit-seeking interests. I believe these interests are trying to make money off education the wa...See More
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LIBBY ING On 8/21/08, 3rdChicago wrote: > My fears are similar to yours. I've seen our 3rd grade scores > drop DRAMATICALLY on our state test since RF and DIBELS have been > implemented. They tell us time and time again that DIBELS is > only an indicator, yet at the end of the year we were TORN APART > because our DIBELS scores were not higher...See More
Apr 26, 2011
Kinder Gal I was in the same boat that you are describing. What you are doing is learning "how" to teach reading (again.) You are using DIBELS as an idicator. As you go through the professional development part of reading first, you will see how it all ties together. We are in our 4th year and out of the grant (when you have the grant, you have to jump throug...See More
May 2, 2011
Did you come awaay any different...better...because of all t On 5/02/11, Kinder Gal wrote: > I was in the same boat that you are describing. What you are doing > is learning "how" to teach reading (again.) You are using DIBELS as > an idicator. As you go through the professional development part of > reading first, you will see how it all ties together. We are in our > 4th year and out of the ...See More
Feb 25, 2012
Kinder Gal Yes, I did. We push letter naming at the beginning of the year. I do not introduce letters as per the core. I find that the sooner kids learn the letters and sounds, then the skills in the core become more successful for them as they have the prior knowledge and it makes sense to them. My interventions are based on what the kids do on their AIMSweb...See More
Mar 16, 2012
I also began to think about it and realized that many people have superhuman abilities. And for example, psychics connect is also something unusual. There are many applications that you can find on the internet that will allow you to watch psychic reading. But if you ...See More
Mar 23, 2022

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