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I recently signed up with a tutoring company where you sign up to be a tutor and people who want a tutor check the website and contact tutors who can tutor the subject they want. I have an inquiry from a student and have not set a place to meet, but I am hesitant to go to a stranger's home. I am inclined to see about meeting at a public library. Anyone have any experience with this?
3tor All the time. If you are uncomfortable, tell them you will meet at a mutually convenient public place like a college or public library. It's safer for both people. I've never had any complaints.

On 1/19/12, new at tutoring wrote: > I recently signed up with a tutoring company where you sign > up to be a tutor and people who want a tu...See More
Jun 18, 2012
Aubrey Looking for more ideas for elementary age kids. Public library only allows for 1 hr a day to use a study room.

On 6/18/12, 3tor wrote: > All the time. If you are uncomfortable, tell them you will meet > at a mutually convenient public place like a college or public > library. It's safer for both people. I've never had any complai...See More
Oct 13, 2012

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