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i have two bettas who are kept side by side in different

I came home today to find them on the floor of their tank -
they like to do this but this time they never swam up to
see me when i walked in.

I took them out and put them in a smaller tank to monitor
them and raised their temp to 30. They (until now) have
not had a heater as they got along fine without one.

I went to the shop and put some multi-cure in their water
just in case they have some kind of fungal infection as i
noticed their scales going a grey shade around their mouth.

They are both laying on the floor in the smaller tank -
they only swim up for air - they wont eat - they wont
fight - have i done the right thing??
JJK /blockquote>

If I understand you correctly, you have the fish is separate
tanks. (If I recall, bettas are too aggressive to keep
together.) The water, food, or some other common element must
be bad. Your net could be dirty, or the gravel/plants could
be toxic.

I lost a goldfish a few years ago. I later found out...See More
Aug 5, 2007
Aimee /blockquote>

I think you're doing what you can; medicate with some antibiotic-- also you can
add some aquarium salt-- 1/2 teaspoon per gallon. This may help to fight off
the bacteria.
Keep the water clean; do a water change before remedicating every few days.

Let me know if you have other ??s

On 8/...See More
Aug 10, 2007

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